In this issue
Calendar Dates
September , Follow Preshil here, Next newsletter
A view from the Chair
Your 2020/2021 School Council
From the Principal
Head of Campus
With our powers combined…
The Careers Hub and CAS
What's in this issue?, VTAC RESOURCES, OPEN DAYS, Swinburne's Swintopia, Monash Online Open days, Victoria University, The University of Melbourne Open Day, University Snapshots, How to CAS!, FINDING INFORMATION, Compass News and Notifications, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT
Year 12 Information and Careers
What's in this issue?, YEAR 12 DIARY DATES, VTAC RESOURCES , SCHOLARSHIPS REMINDER, SPECIAL ENTRY ACCESS SCHEMES (SEAS), APPLYING INTERSTATE , EARLY ENTRY , COURSE IDEAS, OPEN DAYS, Swinburne's Swintopia, Monash Online Open days, The University of Melbourne Open Day, University Snapshots, CAS REMINDER, FINDING INFORMATION, Compass News and Notifications, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT
10 Science
Introducing the extended experiment
8 Mathematics
Accessing Money Overseas, Take Your Medicine
Online Learning:
Distance No Barrier
Postcard from Dubai
Music Notes
Live Stream Performance, Community performance call out, Instrumental music lessons Term 4
Secondary Tours
School Tour, Open Morning