Online Learning:

Distance No Barrier 

Postcard from Dubai

by Leija Sommerman (Year 7)


Leija’s family has temporarily relocated to the United Arab Emirates. Keeping up with her study, Leija reports from 11,658kms away.


My morning normally starts at 2.30am (8.30am Melbourne time). I get up and get ready to hop onto my first class. During the night, whenever I don’t have a catch-up or synchronous Zoom class, I normally try to sleep and do the work in the day instead.


Right now, the days normally reach 43°C, and it’s very humid so it feels like you're in an oven! The lowest temperature it gets to at night is 33°C.

We’re allowed to go outside here and to shopping centres and restaurants (and similar places), so that’s pretty awesome. Outside my window, I see skyscrapers and people walking and cars driving around; it’s pretty cool because it doesn’t feel like you’re in some sort of apocalypse where no one else but you exists.