St Edward's Primary School, Tamworth

With Christ as our guide, we aspire for our staff and students to be the best version of themselves 

as we develop the capacity to make a positive difference in our world.

NEWSLETTER - TERM 2 Week 4 · 23 May 2024

In this issue

Principal Reflections Family Mass - Pentecost Sunday, Winter Uniform, Catholic Schools Week - Week 5, National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June 2024
School News SCHOOL CALENDAR & COMMUNICATION, R.E. NEWS, Trinity Sunday, First Eucharist, LIBRARY NEWS, NSW Premier's Reading Challenge, Class Library Days, St Edward's Library Clubs, Living Well, Learning Well, SCHOOL TV
Learning Gallery Welcome to our Learning Gallery, Recognition of Learning Awards, Living Well Learning Well Award, Addition in Year 1, Stage 3 Debating Teams 
Sport Sport Dates for 2024, Diocesan Cross Country, NSWPSSA Hockey, Basketball Draw, St Edward's Representative Shirts, Rugby League, Junior Run Tag Comp, Football, Touch Football, Physie Dance Classes, Sport Stories, Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council
General News Dhulu - Message Stick, Word of the Week, Pupil Free Day - Monday 27th May, Catholic Schools Week , K-6 Mufti Day - Thursday 30th May, K-6 Mufti Day - Friday 31st May, Infants Pick Up Area, Attendance, Term 2 School Fees, Application for Extended Leave, School Uniform Changeover - Summer to Winter, Second Hand Clothing Pool, Labelling of Uniform Items, Working with Children Check (WWCC), Esteem Kids, ADIG Bonus Saver Account..., SWAP IT..., Dads in Distress Group - Tamworth launch, Foster Carers Needed in Tamworth, Tamworth Lego Brick Show, Foot Pain in Children, Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!, We are now on Instagram too! Feel free to follow our page to keep in touch with the fantastic things that happen at St Edward's Primary School.

Published by St Edward's Primary School, Tamworth