St Mary of the Angels Scoop

Strive Ever Higher

St Mary of the Angels Guyra. Term 3 Wk 8 · 08 Sep 2023

In this issue

Principal's Panorama
A Look at Learning Tips for parents; From Mrs Ahumada, SORA
Merit Awards  Transition, Kindergarten, Year 1/2 , Year 3/4,                                      Good News for 3/4, Year 5/6 
Sustainable & Spiritual Garden.
Fruit and Veggie day Gluten-free ham and corn Fritters. , Carrot, zucchini and sultana cake bars, Watermelon & cucumber salad, Korean-inspired veggie pancakes
Father's Day Breakfast 
Get to know us 
Sporting & Extracurricular  Gala Day for Soccer, Sports dates for 2023
General Information  Transition to School 2024, Keep connected with what is happening at school through Compass & the Newsletter, Library Borrowing Days:, YOUTH VOICE IN SCHOOLS, School Fees, Techone - Options for paying 
School Attendance: Attendance Matters School Attendance , School Supervision 
Dates for the Diary
Community Notice Board  New England Garden Festival Competition, Lunch box communication , Guyra TroutFest, Youth poetry competition for TroutFest, Come and try Athletics Armidale , Year 5 Boys - Farrer Experience Day, School Student Broadband Initiative, Armidale Diocesan Investment Group, Family Connect and Support
P & F Hot Lunches Lunch Order Menu
Parents & Friends  2023 P&F Committee , Meeting Minutes 26.7.2023, P&F Meeting, Thank you to Anne Lane, Leisa Jones, and Nat Hope for cooking the Father's Day  Breakfast., Along with our dedicated teachers, Mrs Grills, Mrs Hayes, Miss Outridge, Mrs Hayes, Mrs Ahumada and Mrs Nugent for lending a helping hand.