Merit Awards 

Term 3, Week 7 


  • Amarlie Deaves for greater confidence when talking in front of the class and following school routines.
  • Jacob Sauer for his enthusiasm towards waste art and his improvement in letter/sound recognition. 
  • Frazer McLennan for his attention to the formation of number writing and terrific counting aloud.
  • Nash Cameron for modelling beautiful manners and his cooperation during group tasks.


  • Eli Jackson for his fabulous work at recalling his tricky words or sight words.
  • Stirling Turner for his creative writing and including plenty of wow words and different punctuation marks.
  • Vinnie Furphy for making incredible progress with his reading levels in literacy.
  • Evie Cox for her great counting-on skills and counting backwards accurately from 30.

Year 1/2 

  • Cooper Williams for his fantastic effort and progress with his reading and comprehension. 
  • Fergus McFarlane for being a helpful and responsible member in our class. 
  • Elinor Hill for her reflective responses during Religion lessons. 
  • Casey Jones for her enthusiasm with meeting goals and challenging herself with new ones.
  • Arlie Rosser for her great enjoyment during Art lessons.
  • Arlie Rosser for persisting during Mathematics tasks. 
  • Maddie Ellem for her wonderful creation of imaginative texts.

Year 3/4

  • Hugo Sisson for trying hard in the classroom.
  • Anna Brazier-Kraan for an awesome attitude towards all tasks.
  • Lexi Cochrane for always working well in group situations.
  • Charlie Perrett for giving every task 110%
  • Clancy Robinson for stepping out of comfort zone in PE.
  • Ted Warner for always offering to assist others.

                                     Good News for 3/4

To Ted, Clancy, Charlie P, Lexi and Anna for being awesome team players in class cricket game. So very proud of your attitudes and efforts. 

Year 5/6 

  • Ellie Bavea for always completing work to a high standard.
  • Kirby Nugent for attempting challenges with a growth mindset.
  • Lewis Robinson for persisting with his information reports to work towards growth.
  • Darcy Sisson for being a kind and supportive friend to others.