Loch Primary School
Issue 7 · 13 Aug 2019
In this issue
Principal's Ponderings
Reflections, Evening Chat Time, with Ms King, Parent Opinion Survey, Loch Rally Race, Parent Teacher Student Conferences, Parking and the, BUS ZONE, Prep Enrolment 2020, Family Bush Dance, Positive Affirmations
Parent Opinion Survey
Parent Opinion Survey
National Tree Day
National Tree Day
P/1 Geography Excursion
P/1 Geography Excursion
Classroom News
Year Prep/1, Year 1/2, Year 2/3, Year 3/4, Year 4/5
News from ourCurriculum Specialists
Physical Education, Music
Student Awards
Term Three, Students of the Week, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4
From our Chaplain
School Chaplain, Matt Stear
Calendar Dates
August, September
Community News
National Science Week, Loch & District Preschool, Korumburra Swim School, Korumburra SC, Korumburra Wildcats, Burra Sports and Cycles, Loch PS Uniform Supplier, Anglicare
Information for Parents
Schools' Privacy Policy, Late Arrivals and Early Departures, Lunch Orders, Breakfast Club, Attendance, School Uniforms, Little Loch Lyrebirds, Play Group, Working With Children Checks, Illness, TERM DATES
School Values
Values, School Motto, Vision, Play is the Way, Commitment to Child Safety, Acknowledgement of Land
Published by Loch Primary School