Holy Spirit Community School Newsletter
Faith, Family, Friendship
Term 3, 2023 - Issue 1 · 20 Jul 2023
In this issue
Principal's Report
Education in Faith
RE Learning in Term Three, School Closure Day, Eucharist, Upcoming Dates:, PARISH NEWS, Spirit Magazine
Key Dates
KEY DATES, Please also refer to our whole school Google Calendar for further details of events., JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, IMPORTANT DATES
School News
Second Hand Uniform, Car Park Entry, Medication , Congratulations, STAR Students, EXTEND
Learning & Teaching
Welcome back to Term Three!, STEM at Holy Spirit, P-2 Classroom Helper workshop, ICAS Assessments, Robotics by Kids Unlimited, Premier's Reading Challenge, Library, Assembly
Student Wellbeing
Term 3 Wellbeing Lessons, CyberSafety Sessions, Student Voice - SRC Update
PE/Sport & House News
Winter Interschool Sport Gala Day 2, TeamVic Announcement, House Spirit Activities
Performing Arts
What's Happening in the Performing Arts Room?, GREAT WORK EVERYONE!, ...CONGRATULATIONS ON A WONDERFUL TERM OF DANCE, To finish the Term, the Juniors went to China and the Seniors researched and presented a country of their choice. It was great to learn about the dance culture of places including, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, New Zealand, Germany, and Italy. , Everyone returned to Australia to dance around the bush fire and compare Australian dance to all of the other cultures we explored throughout the Term. Smiles all round! , Congratulations to the Week 2 Performers of the Week! , Keep up the great work!, Cooper Meissner Prep T, Angus Anderson 1/2C, Bobby Kingston 3/4, Mitch Earl 5/6H
Talent Show
Holy Spirit Talent Showcase 2023, Holy Spirit’s 2nd Talent Showcase! , We would love YOU to be involved!
Visual Arts
Save the Date!, Holy Spirit Art Show - September the 7th
Parents & Friends
P&F Update
Holy Spirit Fete
Key Dates
HS Community
Child Safety
Published by Holy Spirit Community School