Live Life to the Full 

Issue 8 Term 1 2024 · 26 Mar 2024

In this issue

Upcoming Dates This Week, Next Week , Coming Up , Consent Required via Compass, REMINDERS! 
PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Welcome to Term 1 Week 9!, Staff News, Congratulations to..., Best Wishes to..., Coming Up:, Town 2 and 3 Bus Service, Public Holidays and Pupil Free Day, Reminders:
CELEBRATING OUR FAITH Year One - Holy Thursday Art , Caritas - Holy Week, Crazy Hair Day Success!, Easter Mass Times, Why do we have so many ceremonies at Easter?, For the Calendar, Term 1 2024, Happy Easter!
PRIMARY NEWS from the Assistant Principal   K-6 Teachers and emails
SECONDARY NEWS From the Assistant Principal  Happy Easter, Good Luck..., YEAR 10 WEX Meeting , Family Conferences, NAPLAN, Staying Safe Online, HOTmaths, RATE A MATE IN WEEK 8, STUDY SKILLS TIPS, YEAR 10 - HSC Minimum Standard Literacy and Numeracy Tests,  Stage 4 & 5 Assessment Guidelines, Google Classroom for Families, Making Contact with Teachers in the Secondary, Pastoral Care Teachers, 7 - 10 Staff Email Addresses, Device Policy
Library News This Week’s Reads, SORA - We’re Super Readers!, SORA Books of the Week, Book Club - Thank You, New Library Furniture, 2024 Students as Writers Competition, Week 9 Bag Tales, Harmony Day Reads
SPORT NEWS Primary Sport, Secondary Sport
School Advisory Council and P and F News P and F News
Living Well, Learning Well Whole Family Activity:, Mindful Walk, Family Habit Builder:
OFFICE, CANTEEN AND UNIFORM INFORMATION From the Office , From the Uniform Shop, From the Canteen 
TIPS FOR FAMILIES Safe on Social, Broadband free initiative, Maths Online, Real Talk, Sunsmart
COMMUNITY NEWS Rotary Exchange Program

Published by Holy Trinity School, Inverell