O'Connor Catholic College Newsletter

Founded on Faith - Focused on Learning

Newsletter Issue Thirteen · 01 Sep 2023

In this issue

Principal's Report
Religious Education News Our Founders - St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Salle, Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish, Cathedral Parish Website, Information about our founders
Assistant Principal -Curriculum Year 12 Moderated School Assessment Marks: Work hard!  , NSW Catholic Schools Secondary Curriculum Reform Conference 2023, Our first assembly in the new building!, Year 11 Exams: Week 9, Staff Professional Learning, Conclusion
Assistant Principal - Wellbeing Nurturing Minds, Fostering Belonging:
Leader of Pedagogy
Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) Year 7:, Year 9:, Year 11:
KLA News English , Science,  TAS, CAPA , PE
Sport Netball NSW Schools Cup
Other College News Z Club, Vinnies , Assembly , Vietnam Commemorative Service , Debating , Uniform Shop
Wellbeing This month on SchoolTV - Respectful Relationships
Events For Your Calendar
From the Archives
Library News New Books, Returning Library Books, Books for Parents and Carers, Books For All Abilities, Reminder, Searching the Catalogue from home
Careers Corner Newsletters sent to Mrs Lemon, Defence Force Opportunities, ADFA, ADF Gap Year Applications Open, Women in the ADF, Indigenous Australians, Job Jump for Year 12s
Helpful Information for Students, Parents and Carers School Parking, School Student Travel Update, FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2023, Canteen Menu, Full time Provisional Psychologist available for students at O'Connor, Bus Timetables for 2023 , Edwards Coaches, Uniform Shop

Published by O'Connor Catholic College