Westall Secondary College Newsletter

Care for Yourself - Personal Worth

Care for Others - Respect and Courteous Relationships

Care for Your School - Respect your Environment

Care for Your Learning - Strive for Excellence

Issue 2 · 08 Apr 2022

In this issue

Acting Principal's Report Harmony Day, Community Celebration - Culture and Diversity, Campfire Conversations, Term 2
Assistant Principal's Report Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews, Year 7-10 Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and Year 11/12 Assessments, Victorian High Ability Program, Winter Uniform
Senior School Report Message from the , Director of  Learning - , Mr Jason Tickner, VCAL Product Design, VCE Studio Arts Workshops
Middle School Report Message from the , Director of  Learning - , Mr Tom Tahos, Cyber-safety , - Keeping safe online, ‘Growth & Development’ Middle Years Work Experience Program, SECL Youth Services and Westall Library Information Session, Wellbeing , - Respectful Relationships Workshops, Westall Way, - Middle School Rewards System, Morrisby Profile, Middle School Student Leadership Group, Year 9/10 Forensic Science, Year 10 EAL Excursion to the Chinese Museum and the South Melbourne Market, Year 9 Global Literacy
Junior School Report Message from the, Director of Learning -, Alice Paget, Year 7 Science , Bunsen Burner Licence, Year 7 Science Investigation, Year 8 Food Technology, Year 7 Design and Technologies Woodwork, Year 8 Visual Arts, Year 8 Global Literacy Fieldwork Excursion
WELC Report Message from the , International and WELC Coordinator - , Ms Debby Morgan, Harmony Day, Harmony Day Photo Gallery, WELC Volunteers, WELC Sport
Career News VETiS Programs in 2022, SBAT and SWL in VCAL and VCE, VCAL and VCE Year 12 Students, Year 10 Students
Other School News Unit 3 Biology Excursion, to Ecolinc, iCreate STEM and Coding Merge for Robogals Workshops, Sports News, Scanning Electron Microscope 21-25th March 2022, Inter-School Debating Update, Department of Education News , FREE Holiday Camps for Eligible Students
Parent Information Saver Plus, Payment Information, Updating Your Contact, Custody and Medical Information, Homestay Information, Westall SC College Blazer $130.00, Buy direct from the General Office, Sustainable Schools , Second-Hand Textbooks and Uniforms, Police Safety Advice
School Photo Information Term 2 Westall Secondary College Photo Day - Order Instructions, Portrait Package Options and Costs, Sibling Photo Packages Options and Costs
Community News Extreme Hardship Support Program Information Session, VicRoads Learner Permit Test Online (LPTO), Metro Tunnel Train Disruptions, Level Crossing Removal News
Compass User Information How to recover your , Compass account details, How to access your child's report, Online payments and parental consent on Compass, How to book parent teacher interviews on Compass, How to change your password
School Calendar

Published by Westall Secondary College