Grade Three Snapshot

Dear Parents,   

As we approach this last week, there is a completely different feeling this term to other terms. The fatigue we all feel at the end of each term is the same, but the excitement level and anticipation of sleep-ins and family adventures seems non-existant for most. With lockdown continuing to limit what our kids can do, and yet many parents still needing to work from home, we understand the anxiety these holidays may be brining to many of you.

Although we all need to 'physically distance', we encourage you not to confuse that with a need to 'socially distance'. Interacting with others is so important to us all and your children need opportunities to socialise with their peers. Now is not the time to feel guilty about the amount of 'screen time' your children are experiencing or the fact they have been in the same clothes for three days. You need to do what works best for your family and your child's mental wellbeing, and sometimes that means forgiving yourself for not being the 'perfect parent' you have to strive to be. No one is judging you!


These holidays create a whole new set of unique memories! You may choose to:

Hold family movie afternoons - I can recommend 'Onward' on Disney Plus!

Go camping in the backgarden (or your lounge room)!

Roast marshmallows over the stovetop.

Create a scavenger hunt in your neighbourhood and then share it with your neighbours. For example, stick some 'Where's Wally' pictures on lamp posts around your local streets then share it on your local community Facebook page or with friends.

Tell your kids to create a 'stop motion' movie using lego or drawings. (This should take hours!)

Build a digital photobook and finally print all those photos that are stored on your phone where no one else ever sees them! Ask your kids to caption each event with their memories.


If you have other great ideas, we'd love your kids to share them with us!

As always, please don't hesitate to contact your class teacher if you have concerns about your child. 


Please enjoy this last edition of our newsletter publication for the term, which will provide you with an insight of next week's learning focus for each curriculum area.

The Grade 3 Learning Team  

Issue 20 · 11 Sep 2020

Published by Brighton Primary School