St Anne's Catholic Parish Primary School Newsletter

Pray  Work  Play

Issue 19 · 19 Jun 2020

In this issue

Principal's Message Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,, School Attendance and Unexplained Absence
Dates For Your Diary DATES FOR YOUR DIARY, TERM 2, TERM 3, Term 4
Awards Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week., Ben A - 5/6HA, For persisting and trying multiple strategies to solve a Maths problem., Angus D - 5/6HA, For persisting and trying multiple strategies to solve a Maths problem., Samuel C - 5/6O, For being a diligent ICT Captain who stays back every afternoon to make sure all the Chrome Books are away correctly and charging., Kyra R - 5/6O, For her dedication in completing her Literacy tasks., Aaron A - 3/4CL, For working hard and always completing your set tasks on Mathletics., Charlie W - 3/4CL, For extreme engagement in our thermal cup activity!!, Owen W - 1/2LW, For showing courage by walking into school from the gate., Hayden D - 1/2C, For being persistent with his writing and practicing his best handwriting., Grace F - 1/2C, For being kind to her classmates and helping others., Chantelle B - Foundation, For having a can do attitude towards writing., Jasper H - Foundation, For writing down the sounds heard in a word.
Religious Education Sacraments , Mass, Prayer focus for June   , I am always with you - written by Pope Francis
Premiers Reading Challenge Congratulations for finishing this week., Congratulations all who have finished., Keep Reading!!! , SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB ISSUE 4
Student Diversity NCCD - National Consistent Collection of Data
Well being
Community News Digital Disco Night, Remote Learning Reflections, Kids on Key Instrumental Music Lessons, Banking
Uniform Times & News Grey Elastic Boy's Pants, Uniform Shop Hours, Uniform Price List & Order Form
Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Hope you like these jokes 
St Anne's Family Businesses
Digital Technologies

Published by St Anne's Primary School