Well being

Bounce Back Sessions: Look on the Bright Side!


As part of our Social and Emotional Learning at St Anne's we explicitly teach strategies within the Bounce Back program as well as ensure that the strategies referred to in these sessions are embedded in all the interactions we have at school. Often when facing difficulties or solving conflict the skills that are taught are called upon to help children work through these situations. 


Sayings such as bucket filling, look on the bright side, be the boss of your feelings, positive tracking among others are hopefully all things that you have heard your children refer to or that you have seen during Remote Learning. 


Quite appropriately 'Looking on the Bright side' was a concept that was explored across all year levels this term as we faced unprecedented times and challenging. Please read through the following tips from the Bounce Back hand book by Helen McGrath and Toni Noble for ideas that you can do at home to reinforce this concept in your home.