Brentwood Pathways Newsletter
At Brentwood, we strive to ensure that our students learn in a connected community so that they grow as individuals who are future-ready.
Issue 9 · 18 Jul 2022
In this issue
Brentwood Pathways Office
Year 11s and 12s: Universities Open Days
Year 10 and 11: Update to Senior Secondary Schooling Pathway Reforms 2023
Year 10 and 11: Vocational Education & Training (VET) 2023 - Form to apply attached below
Year 11 and 12: ELEVATE Webinar
Year 12s: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
When to create an account, What is a VTAC account?
Year 12s: General Achievement Test (GAT)
Year 10: Work Experience Feedback
Year 10 and 11: Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES)
Year 10-12: Free VCE Masterclasses - Earth Ed
Year 7-12: Myfuture (win $500!)
What we're looking for
Year 9-10: Rail Academy
Year 8, 10-12: Scholarships - Harding Miller and Agribusiness Australia Scholarships
Year 11 and 12: Pathways in Navy
Part Time Job - Dominos is hiring
Pathways Quiz
Published by Brentwood Secondary College