Grade 5 Snapshot

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today teachers have been busy planning for Home Learning next week. We feel this will be a smooth transition for our Grade 5 students as they have all they need to achieve success with their learning: 

- Logins and Passwords to Google Classroom, Essential Assessment and Mathletics

- Homework book to complete Reading, Writing and Inquiry tasks in.

- Maths Grid book to complete all Maths tasks.

- iPad to access Webex Meetings with teachers, and Google Classroom to access their Daily Schedule.

Students will receive a notification on Google Classroom informing them of the groups they are in for their mini lessons next week. They will also receive their Daily Schedule the day before so they can get organised. 

Parents will receive a copy of the Daily Schedule on Compass the day before too.

If students have any questions they can 'private comment' their teacher on Google Classroom.

We will share the Specialist Menu board with you when it has been prepared. 

If you have any questions you can contact your teacher directly.

Stay safe and healthy.

Grade 5 Team.

Issue 8 · 28 May 2021

Published by Brighton Primary School