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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
Issue 13
10 May 2019
In this issue
CEO'S Report
Study With Your Health, not against it
SWL Opportunities , Albert Park Library (library assistant), Barnet Motor Body Repair (car body works assistant), Bones & Harmony doggy day care (Animal care attendant), Bunnings Collingwood (retail placement), Brotherhood of St Laurence (admin assistant), Conservation Volunteers Australia (Horticulture placement), Doutta Galla Aged Care (lifestyle assistant placement), Kew Accident Repair Centre (car body works assistant), North Melbourne pharmacy (retail pharmacy assistant), Spotless Catering (food services / kitchen hand), Chocolate Box (retail assistant)
Attend This
Youth Participation Evaluation Masterclass- CFECFW & Yacvic, Culturally Competent Youth Work, Mental Health YouthFest, World Vision Youth Conference - Melbourne 2019, Statewide Youth Refuge Forum 2019, Together: Building an Inclusive Youth Sector training - Brimbank, Youth Participation: It's more than ordering in pizzas!, New career as a youth justice worker at Parkville facility info session, CMY Tutor Strategies for Supporting EAL Students with Mathematics, Extending care: Supporting young people’s transition from out-of-home care to adulthood
Read This
Overqualified, Under Experienced Unemployed Young People: What’s Really Happening To Our University Graduates?, High-achieving students identify the top reasons behind their schooling success, Beyond the sales pitch: getting the most from school open days, Grants help regional communities Bridge the gap between services, How hard is it to say ‘no’ to drugs?, The 'million word gap': the reason some children have a higher vocabulary than others, Fava beans or Uber Eats? Health food dilemma threatens school canteens, 'No dirty little secret': why more VCE students are shunning exams
Youth and education news
Annual Youth Survey - Mission Australia , Share your opinions in a disability workforce survey, Disability Scholarship Program, Youth Referral and Independent Persons Program (YRIPP), FARE Report
Published by
Capital City Local Learning and Employment Network
Newsletter Archive
CEO'S Report
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