Youth and education news

Annual Youth Survey - Mission Australia
Australia’s largest online youth survey, providing a platform for young people aged 15 to 19 to ‘speak up’ about the issues that really concern them.
Share your opinions in a disability workforce survey
The 2019 survey is now open. We want to hear from as many Victorian disability workers about their experience working in the NDIS.
Let the Victorian Government know what matters most to you about your work.
For information about the survey or technical support, please contact
Disability Scholarship Program
The Disability Scholarship Program is an initiative from the department's Disability Action Plan. The program aims to achieve a long-term increase in the number of qualified people with a disability employed across all areas and all levels of the public service.
Youth Referral and Independent Persons Program (YRIPP)
To help support young people, YRIPP are looking for volunteers to counsel young people in police custody. The video below shows a Volunteer's Perspective of the program.
FARE Report
The new Fare Australia report reflects that 9 in 10 Australians consider themselves "responsible drinkers", yet a quarter of people drink to get drunk at least once a month. A reminder to educate young people of the dangers involved with excessive consumption.(link: