Corpus Christi School Newsletter
Our Vision Statement In seeking what is true, beautiful and good, we strive to build a Catholic School Community where each is given time and support in learning to know, to do, to live together and to be. SOLI DEO For God Alone Corpus Christi School is a Child Safe School. We promote, the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.
Issue 1 · 03 Feb 2021
In this issue
Religious Education and Social Justice
A Prayer for the New School Year, Sacrament Dates
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome Back!, Staffing 2021, School Uniform , Sports Uniform, School Closure Day, Dance Program , ABC Music, COVID Summer, Beginning of the School Year Mass, Assemblies, Big Breakfast, School Fees, Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
Diary Dates
February, March, April, Sacrament Dates 2021
Parent Partnerships
Making new friends and staying in touch with old classmates, Encourage your child to be open to new friendships, Encourage healthy relationships, Encourage inclusiveness, Encourage friendships with both genders, Stay in touch with former classmates and school friends, Provide social scripts, Forming new friendships can take time
Awards and Celebrations
Community News
St Aloysius Goes Co-Educational, Emmanuel College Update
Published by Corpus Christi School