Message from the Principal

Matilda Jnr
I want to express my appreciation to all who attended the recent performances of Matilda Jnr; it was so well supported with two sell-out shows.
Congratulations to the cast, crew, musicians and production team who entertained us so well. The college also invited local primary school groups to attend dress rehearsals, allowing them a glimpse of Performing Arts at BSC. Please see the thank you notes from students at Brunswick South West Primary School.
School Review
Our school review, conducted in early Term 4, resulted in the school coming up with three main goals and two or three Key Improvement Strategies aligned to these goals, as shown below. These Goals and Key Improvement Strategies are our broad framework for the next four years.
Our Leadership Team have selected which of the Key Improvement Strategies we will focus on in 2023, which forms the basis of our Annual Implementation Plan. In the new year I will share an example of how we will action going from these broader statements to more precise activities that are more recognisable and tangible to students and families, in terms of the improvements the school would like to make over the next four years.
It was really pleasing that the review panel endorsed our submission of school highlights from our last strategic plan which were: our VCE results, our rich co-curricular program and productions, our use of Microsoft Teams both prior to and through the remote learning period and our committed and responsive staff.
I thank all students, staff and parents/carers who participated in our school review. The overwhelming feedback from the panel was that we have a great school with invested stake-holders. This is such a strong base to take on the valuable feedback from the review panel and to strive towards continued improvement over the next four years of our new strategic plan.
FOMAD - Festival of Media and Art
Term 4 brings the opportunity to celebrate so much good work completed by the BSC students. As part of this, the BSC Art & Design Exhibitionwas staged on site and showcased the artistic talents of BSC students from across Year 7 to Year12, while the BSC Film Festival was hosted at Cinema Nova.
Both events were very successful and enjoyed by all who attended, including future Year 7 2023 students and their families keen to have a glimpse at what awaits them. The variety of projects on offer at these two events make them firm favourites on the BSC calendar and this year did not disappoint.
School Council
I extend my gratitude to the current School Council for their support throughout a challenging year, including School Review. Several members of the team will end their tenure on council in February/March of next year, and we take this opportunity to thank them for contributing their experience, advice and guidance over their years on the council.
We extend special thanks to Rachael Ploenges who departs her position on council, recognising her previous service to the school community as a past President, Vice-President and Treasurer. Rachael has been a strong advocate and guiding voice on School Council, and we will miss her steady hand and unwavering support for the college community.
Buildings & Grounds
Projection system - Theatre
A fixed overhead projection system is currently being installed in the college's Theatre, utilising funds the BSC Building Fund. This upgrade will ensure that the college can maximise use of the space as well as provide better learning experiences and events for our students across both the visual and performing arts learning areas. Many thanks to families who have supported the college via donations to the Building Fund, as we look forward to initiating further improvements in 2023. The college will focus on relocating the Wellbeing Hub, ensuring higher visibility and ease of access to our student community.
Shade Sails - The Green
This year, we also completed installation of large shade sails over the area between the F Block and H Block, providing shade and protection to students who use this popular area during recess and lunchtimes. The addition of these sails also provides opportunity to utilise the space as an outdoor learning area during class times where suitable, and we extend our sincere thanks to parent, Tracie Talko, whose experience and expertise secured funding for the project.
Parents' Association
Tireless members of the college Parents' Association delivered the Second-hand Uniform Sale to to existing students and new families on Orientation Day. The team moved a huge amount of stock and raised a mammoth $2700 in the process. Thank you to the many families who made use of this valuable service, and special thanks to the ever-organised Peter Worland (Eden 7U), Kylie Moreland (Declan 10U), Deb Gough (Conor - Graduate 2023 & Daniel 8C) and Judy Campbell (Lachie 7B) , not to mention Harriet Empey (Cara 9S & Leah 7B) who jumped in to help where she saw need.
All funds raised by the Parents' Association benefit the BSC community, and the college appreciates the excellent planning, effort and enthusiasm that the Association delivers to all its projects.
Families are reminded that the Parents' Association welcomes all new members who wish to help. Feel free to email Assistant Principal, Claudia Johnson, at to express your interest.Orientation Day
Orientation Day was packed full of fun for the students who will join our community next year. A visit to the college gave the 2023 Year 7 cohort (approximately 200 students) the opportunity to become more familiar with our grounds and facilities and to meet with staff and peers while engaging in activities and experiences that support their transition into secondary school.
Many thanks to the families who made sure that our prospective students could attend Orientation activities, and to the staff of BSC who managed and executed the program.
School Captains 2023
Congratulations to Noah Jarvis and Maya Wright who have been elected as School Captains for 2023.
Noah and Maya will lead the Student Representative Council in 2023, working with their peers and staff to execute student events, promote student voice and agency, and attend School Council meetings to add student perspective to discussion.
Head Start Year 12 VCAL
Our Head Start 2023 Year12 VCAL cohort recently raised funds for the Cancer Council by hosting a lunchtime barbecue.
Using the work-related and personal development skills they have been honing throughout the year, the team worked collaboratively to cook up a storm and serve the hungry masses.
The team did a great job, raising much needed funds for a worthy cause, and we applaud their efforts and community spirit.
This year marks the retirement of Michiko Morita, who has served as an Instrumental Music teacher (Keyboard) at Brunswick Secondary College for the past XX years. Michiko has been a valued member of our teaching team, and as you can see from the Clavier Soiree article in this issue, is most respected by her pupils. Over the years, Michiko has not only taught her students keyboard skills, she has also communicated her love sharing music with others. She leaves a legacy of and respect for the art, and will be sadly missed. On behalf of both past and present community members, we wish Michiko all the very best for the future - whatever it may bring!
Caroline Hart, Student Wellbeing Leader, leaves us this year to pursue opportunities elsewhere. Caroline has worked at Brunswick Secondary College for 10 years, helping to establish processes that have improved and extended our wellbeing program. Caroline has also established strong connections with local organisations such as Merri Health, which has enabled the school to maximise the breadth of support offered to our student community. On behalf of the community, we extend our best wishes to Caroline as she moves on to her next adventure.
Oki Gardner (Senior School Leader) and Emily Doyle (Media Coordinator) are both taking a leave of absence during 2023. Oki and her family will relocate overseas so that Oki can realise her goal of an 'international' teaching experience, while Emily takes up a position with Melbourne Theatre Company. While both will be missed, we look forward to their return in 2024 and know that these experiences provide valuable will both broaden thier horizons and deliver them fabulous opportunities.
Best wishes to the entire community for a safe and happy holiday season.