
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents/Guardians


As we come to the end of semester, I wish to congratulate and thank all students and staff for their hard work this semester. Moving to Compass has been a big learning curve for staff as well as students and parents. Staff and we have been continually learning, trialling, adapting and improving our skills. I would like to thank staff for showing the students that we are lifelong learners and that this is all part of being a premier learning community.


The end of semester reports are now available on Compass. Parents and students should now be able to access the reports by clicking on Academic Reports on the web version or on the Reports Tab in the Compass App.

Please remember that the end of semester report is a snapshot of a student’s achievements throughout the semester and more detail can be found in the Learning Tasks and Attendance section on Compass. If you have any questions about the report, please contact the subject teacher.

NAPLAN 2023 Reporting update

NAPLAN results for Year 7 and 9 students will be released in late July. 

Year 7 MORE info
Year 9 MORE info 


Subject Selection Timeline

Term 3 is often the time where we start looking forward to the following year;

Year 12s start to think about life beyond the VCE and Lauren Sach, will support students with applying to tertiary courses and using Victoria Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

Year 11s will have review meetings starting in Week 1 of next term to review Semester One and to plan out how to achieve success in Year 12. These will be with one of Ms Sach, Ms Gardener, Mr Andritsos, Mr Di Camillo, Ms Maguire and myself.


Year 10s will start choosing their VCE options, Subject Selection Expo is during the afternoon of 20 July with the Subject Selection Information Evening that night. This is an extremely important point in the life of a student so every student is expected to attend the expo and join the information evening with a parent. 


Year 7, 8 and 9 will start to make some choices later in the term and more information will come closer to the time.


I wish all students and their families a happy and safe holiday and look forward to working with you in Semester 2.


Ms Lucy Neil

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching