In this issue
Calendar Dates
August, September , Follow Preshil here, Cover photo, It's not the first time we have been asked to wear masks
From the Principal
IB course selection – a subjective choice, "... there is no incentive to select subjects the student either dreads or finds uninteresting or that offer little genuine capacity for the student to flourish."
Head of Campus
Fearless futures
Office Oracle
Like us on social media, Next newsletter
The Careers Hub and CAS
What's in this issue?, WHAT CAREER IS THAT?, Why Study Chemistry or Physics? Art Conservation!, ARTICLES OF INTEREST, FYA New Work Standard, Apprenticeships and Employment, VTAC RESOURCES, OPEN DAYS AND WEBINARS, Swinburne's Swintopia, Deakin Online Open Day, Monash Online Open days, University Snapshots, How to CAS!, FINDING INFORMATION, Compass News and Notifications, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT
Year 12 Information and Careers
What's in this issue?, YEAR 12 DIARY DATES, SCHOLARSHIPS REMINDER, SPECIAL ENTRY ACCESS SCHEMES (SEAS), APPLYING INTERSTATE , EARLY ENTRY , COURSE IDEAS | New 2021, OPEN DAYS AND WEBINARS, Swinburne's Swintopia, Deakin Online Open Day, Monash Online Open days, University Snapshots, CAS REMINDER, FINDING INFORMATION, Compass News and Notifications, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT
MYP: 8 Individuals & Societies
Diplomatic in-Zoom-ity!, War: What is it Good for?
Year 10 Personal Project Exhibition
Our Year 10 students and their teachers, are proud to invite you to visit the, 2020 PERSONAL PROJECT EXHIBITION, which will be published on our website, on Thursday 27 August 2020
DP: 11 French
Ouverts d’esprits (Open-minded), Communicatifs (Communicators), Chercheurs (Inquirers)
DP: 11 Theatre
Going solo - working collaboratively
Secondary Tours
School Tour, Open Morning