Grade Three Snapshot

Dear Parents,

Over the past two weeks our Grade 3 students exhibited many PYP learner profile attributes in a range of diverse learning experiences. They showed great commitment to challenge themselves running laps and fundraising for the BPS Lapathon and demonstrated knowledge and curiosity during a visit from the Mayor of Bayside. 

To acknowledge Education Week our students showcased written and visual tasks in their Seesaw portfolio to highlight  development of their skills and thinking across a range of curriculum areas. The students were open minded in presenting their work in a different format and took ownership of communicating their learning in their own style.  

As we come to the end of week six we encourage the students to set goals for the next four weeks of term. Identifying an area of both personal and school focus will encourage everyone to build confidence in their skills and abilities. 

Many thanks,

The Grade Three Team 

Grade Three, Term 2 Week 6 · 28 May 2021

Published by Brighton Primary School