Term 2 Week 6



This week we have been developing our skills in predicting. We have learnt how to use clues from the front cover, title and evidence within the text to help us to make predictions. We looked at how our personal experiences and knowledge of other texts can assist us when making predictions.   Next week we will be look at the structure of a procedural text and using our prediction skills to help comprehend the text. 



This week students have been developing their understanding of verbs and how different types of verbs add meaning to a sentence. They have categorised verbs as doing, thinking, saying or relating. They have also explored how verbs are anchored in time through tense. They have revisited common suffixes used to indicate tense, including -ed and -ing. They have also explored some irregular past tense verbs while making observations with their senses. This included 'saw', 'felt' and 'heard'.


Next week, students will continue to apply their knowledge of verbs while making scientific observations. They will also develop a deeper understanding of why verb choice is important when giving instructions and will develop their skills in writing procedural texts.



Word Study

Over the past two weeks we have been learning Rules 25 and 23: ck and dge. These rules tell us that we use ‘ck’ 2 letter after ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ and we use ‘dge’ 3 letter after ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ.  We will continue to bootcamp these two rules next week during home learning. 


In Mathematics, this week we have been learning to use mental strategies such as the jump and split strategy to solve subtraction problems. Next week we will be inquiring into mass. Through a variety of hands on, practical activities students will develop an understanding of mass as an attribute of measurement. Students will use the strategy of hefting – to lift or hold (something) in order to test its weight to determine objects which are lighter or heavier than each other. The focus is on students being able to justify and explain their reasoning.

Unit of Inquiry

Last week BPS hosted the Mayor of Bayside as the students inquired into his role as a leader of our local community and how local government makes laws and supports its citizens. It was an enlightening presentation and the students showed their respect and knowledge. 

This week we started our next unit of inquiry; 'Materials have a range of properties influencing their use'. Our introductory provocation required the students to group and classify random objects. They identified  classifications for colour, material, size, usage, and texture. 

With a focus on developing an understand of the concept properties, student will be introduced to scientific vocabulary. They will complete activities to show their understanding of how this vocabulary describes the properties of materials. 


Teachers have continued to conduct activities such as 'circle time' and 'bucket filling' to support students in developing greater empathy and awareness of the impact of their actions on others.  We have also focused on 

identifying different types of play which students engage in during break times. Planning ahead who to be with and the games to play helps students be inclusive of others and can reduce anxiety for some students in the playground. 


Monday 14th June- Queen's Birthday public holiday

Tuesday 15th June - 'Mad About Science' incursion


Grade 3 Team 

Meet the Grade 3 Team: 


3A - Heather Jenkins (Mon-Wed)

& Amanda Kerr (Thurs & Fri)




3B - Sylvia Zanati  



3C - Emily Seccull 



3D - Georgia Kirk
