Catholic Schools Office eBulletin

Our Mission

A Catholic Professional learning community committed to improving the faith, learning and wellbeing of our students and staff.

Our Vision

A Christ-centred inclusive learning community that supports young people to realise a hope-filled future.

Issue 352 · 01 Aug 2023

In this issue

Message from the Director Dear Colleagues,
Diocesan News Clarity Week - Dr Lyn Sharratt visit, Students as Authors Writing Competition Winners, Coaching/Mentoring, Lucidpublish changes, Nominating a beneficiary for your super
Mission & Religious Education News Staff Retreats, Study and Mentoring (SAM) Program
Learning News MaST Project, Catholic Learning Online, Scholaris, CASPA, NESA, NCEC, CCSP
Curriculum News TERM 3 Curriculum Update, NESA - New Syllabus Professional Learning , Have your say: K–10 draft syllabuses, Curriculum Reform Timeline, New Health and Movement Science and Health and Movement Science Life Skills Syllabuses
Inclusion News Compass and NCCD Data Correlation
Indigenous Education News Wii Gaay Learning Hub 2, Wii Gaay Staff Zooms, Coolabah Dynamic Assessment, National Aboriginal Children Day , SAVE THE DATE : Teaching Indigenous Perspectives - Secondary Teachers Professional Development Day , SAVE THE DATE: Warraymalaya - Maal Dhuwi (One Spirit) Year 8 & 9  Retreat at Yarrahapinni - Stuart Point, Resource - Gomeroi Warrambools in the Gwydir Wetlands
WHS News Compass Events Risk Bank Templates, Compass Events, Assurance Tasks Term 3, Lifeblood
NESA News Contact Details, Changes to Logging Elective PD, Conditional Teacher Zooms, Save The Date - Term 4 ECT Professional Development Day, Proficient Teacher Orientation Course
Positions Vacant Education Assistant (EA), St Joseph’s Primary School, West Tamworth, Aboriginal Education Assistant (AEA) St Philomena’s School, Moree, Canteen Assistant, St Edwards Primary School, Tamworth

Published by Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Armidale