Marion Primary School Newsletter
Courage, Harmony, Integrity
Term 2, Week 8, 2023 · 23 Jun 2023
In this issue
Leadership Report
Nearing the end of term and maximising your child's report
Spotlight on Learning - Rooms 6 and 7
Puppetry of our Primary School
STEM Workshops
Learning for our Parents
Helping in our partnership with building our children as strong and proficient readers, 1. Use songs and nursery rhymes to build phonemic awareness, 2. Make simple word cards at home, 3. Engage your child in a print-rich environment, 4. Play word games at home or in the car, 5. Understand the core skills involved in teaching kids to read
Student Assembly Awards
Canteen Information
Working Bee
Movie Night Fundraiser
Parent Information Page
Finance Update - School Fees and Rebate
OSHC at Marion
Vacation Care
Important Dates
New Enrolments / School Tours
New Enrolments / School Tours
Community Page
Tea and Coffee catch-up and chat with Denys (Pastoral Care Worker) and Leadership, International Student Homestays WANTED!!
Contact us
Guy Walmsley , Sue Sifa , Administration, Robyn Shanahan, Website, Facebook