Message from the Principal

The 2023 VCAA examination period has now concluded, and we are pleased to report that all ran smoothly. Following this, the Year 10 & Year 11 internal exams were held at the school and went really well. The conduct of students throughout all the exams was amazing; they all approached the exams with a positive mindset and mature manner.
School Captains 2024
The process for electing School Captains for 2024 has concluded.
I congratulate Tameka Brown and Harry Lalor, and look forward to their contribution in 2024.
See their Captains Statement in this issue.
Sincere thanks to our hard-working (and ever cheerful and optimistic) 2023 Parents' Association.
This year, the PA has raised over $40,000 - a record effort - all of which will be invested in the BSC Grounds Renewal Project as well as funding a variety of programs and items including outdoor seating (to be installed in January), teaching resources, parent information sessions, and the ever popular Breakfast Club!
Read the Parents' Association and Breakfast Club articles in this issue for more information.
Sadly, we farewell Rebecca Haidar (President) who is stepping down from her role at the end of this school year. Rebecca has been the driving force behind the PA's success this year and on behalf of the entire school community, I extend our best wishes to Bec and her family as they move on from BSC.
Awards Night 2023
Thank you to the many families who joined us at Awards Night 2023 to celebrate the outstanding achievements of so many of our students.
Student efforts were acknowledged with both Academic Excellence and Brunswick Values Awards.
The ceremony was followed by a light supper and conversation where students, staff and families enjoyed social time together.
Twilight Market
Thank you to everyone who supported the Twilight Market. It was a wonderful night full of community spirit, with so many students, ex-students, families and friends visiting the school to enjoy the evening. I am pleased to report that the energy expended by the SRC students (ably led by Hendrix Gauci - SRC Events Committee Chair) in planning, organising and executing the event was well rewarded - with so many in attendance and such a positive vibe around the market stalls, band performances and food trucks.
This collective student effort left the facilities clean and ready for classes on Monday with everyone pitching to lend a hand. See the Twilight Market report in this issue.
Wall repair update
The good news is that the MakeSafe work on the A Block building is now very close to completion!
I express my gratitude to the 30-35 staff who have been displaced since March due to these works, particularly paying tribute to the General Office staff who have, essentially, worked out of the foyer for nine months. In the face of adversity they have continued to maintain efficient practices and a positive manner.
I also take this opportunity to thank members of the School Council for their efforts throughout 2023. The team has been diligent in ensuring good governance of the school as well as considering and initiating plans and strategies to take us into 2024.
And lastly...
As this final edition of the Brunswick Star is being published earlier than usual this term, the staff of Brunswick Secondary College takes this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for the upcoming festive and holiday season!