Parents' Association

2023 - What a year

Rebecca Haidar

Parents' Association President


This term has seen the Parents Association working to close out the year with some great results! 


The Twilight Market is a regular feature in the BSC school calendar and seeks to bring together both the school community of students, families and friends and the wider local community as well as providing fundraising opportunities with the various stalls on offer. 


This year, the Twilight Market featured a great variety of items for sale on the Parents' Association craft and cake stalls, as well as a well-stocked bar, an amazing silent auction and a bumper second-hand uniform shop selection. It was a wonderful evening, with live music, entertainment, food trucks and more, enjoyed by all. 


The silent auction was once again a favourite, featuring some extraordinary items sourced by the PA team, just in time for Christmas shopping! With over 100 items up for grabs, bidders were spoilt for choice from the range of sponsors which included fitness gyms, artists, creatives, restauranteurs and retailers and the products that they had generously donated. It is this generosity from local community traders as well as from families within the school community that makes a significant difference to our fundraising efforts, which ultimately translates to investing in resources and facilities to benefit the students. I encourage you to seek out these traders in your travels and support these businesses whenever possible!


I want to acknowledge the contribution and efforts of the small but committed group of Parent Association members who spent endless hours co-ordinating the event, sourcing donations and products and promoting the event to the local community


Specifically I would like to acknowledge:

Peter Parbery - Parents' Association Vice President

Graz Starc - Parents' Association Secretary

Lucia Brisolla - Parents' Association Treasurer

Ably supported by Tracy Talko , Kirstie Jenkin, Deb Gough, Melissa Pagliaro, Joam Fisher, Regi De Verdon, Cathy Farrell, Sonia Ingham, Zoe Miller, Kylie Moreland, Michelle Salvatore and Sally Thomas.


Special thanks must also be given to staff who generously sourced and provided donations for the Silent Auction as well as supported with the set up, promotion and coordination of the Parents' Association stalls including Claudia Johnson, Lindel Bell, Sheila Calwell, Andrey Dedcic, Caroline Farah,  Jeremy Fiske, Laura Hughes,  Yvonne McGhie, Hannah Della Gatta, Anne Siciliano, Anastasia Papadopoulous and Chris Salmond and Ray Stivala. 


Further, I would like to thank the wonderful parent and carer volunteers who generously donated their time to work on the stalls, as well as assisting with the set up and pack down of the event.  Without the support of the parent/carer community, these events simply are not possible, so I am very much grateful for all those who stepped up to be involved on the night.


I am pleased to announce that this year the Parents' Association raised approximately $16,500 at the Twilight Market – almost triple the amount generated last year.  An extraordinary result!


The success at the Twilight Market brings the total of the Parents Association fundraising efforts for 2023 to over $40,000! This is a phenomenal outcome and provides the necessary capital to advance the Grounds Renewal Project as we move into 2024. 



Be sure to look out for the scheduled meetings for the Parents Association for 2024 on Compass – we would love to have your company.  It is a great opportunity to connect with other parents/carers and contribute towards making a real and tangible difference to the school!