Message from our Principal

Karen Harris
This term (as usual) is flying by, with so many exciting and dynamic projects underway at the college.
I take this opportunity to advise that I will be on leave for the last four weeks of this term and Claudia Johnson will be Acting Principal in my absence. I wish everyone well for the remainder of the term and I look forward to see you all in Term 3.
On behalf of the school community I take this opportunity to congratulate two long-serving staff members on our team.
Nadia Cavallin (Head of Learning - Languages) and Michael Bartley (VCE Vocational Major Coordinator) who have been recognised by the Department of Education for the years of valuable service they have dedicated to teaching.
Nadia has been teaching for 50 years, while Michael has served for 40 years. Both Michael and Nadia are valued team members, readily sharing their experience and expertise with other staff, contributing ideas and initiatives to our curriculum.
Recognition of their dedication to the teaching profession is well deserved - what an achievement by two of our amazing and most respected colleagues!
Year 12 Formal
The annual Year 12 Formal event was held on Saturday May 18, providing our hard-working Year 12 students the opportunity to relax and socialise away from the classroom.
It was a stunning affair, with over 180 in attendance.
Our young people were dressed in their finest, looking and behaving as the fine young adults that they are. It is hard to believe that they are just months aways from graduation!
Myself and Assistant Principals Tas Michael and Sally Goss joined the celebrations, as did number of other VCE teachers - and a fabulous time was had by all and it.
Many thanks for Tayler Roberts (Year 12 Level Coordinator) for his excellent planning for the event. As soon as we have photos of the event, we will share them with students!
School Tours
The college held its final school tour for 2024 early in this term. This year we have adapted our Tours procedure with the aim of creating less impact to our daily school operations.
During Term 1, Dedicated tours are scheduled for families of students who attend our main feeder primary schools. These tours are advertised via the feeder primary schools to ensure that these families in our zone have every opportunity to join a dedicated tour. Our feeder schools include Brunswick East PS, Brunswick North PS, Brunswick North West PS, Brunswick South PS, Brunswick South West PS, Coburg West PS, Merri-Bek PS, Moonee Ponds PS and Princes Hill PS.
In addition to the dedicated tours, independent tours are held on selected dates during Term 1 prior to the closing date for Year 7 enrolment (usually the first/second week in May). Families other than those belonging to feeder primary schools can book these tours via the school website. These independent tours for 2025 will be advertised on the BSC website once scheduled.
Tours continue to be hosted by myself and members of the Leadership Team, ably assisted by SRC students who provide valuable student perspective and experience to our guests. I take this opportunity to thank these students for their exemplary service on the 2024 school tour schedule.
Parents' Association
Parents' Association Trivia Night is shaping up to be a fabulous affair. I hope to see a lot of our families in attendance, as we had such a good time last year.
Watch out for the staff tables - known to be a little competitive - as well as for other staff (including myself) serving at the bar, auction or desserts tables!
For more information about Parents' association, read HERE.
School Production
I recently enjoyed watching a little of The Addams Family production rehearsals.
It was impressive to see the cast working so hard to perfect their dance moves, and gratifying to see the level of enthusiasm and commitment from all involved.
The BSC production process supports students to step up and take on active responsibility and ownership in all aspects of the production. This experience provides students with a great opportunity for personal growth and skills development.
For example, Dance Captains Stephanie Barwick (Year 12), Ava Kee (Year 9) and Riley Bishop (Year 8) have assisted our lead choreographer and teacher, Candice Egan, in choreographing and teaching movement to principal and ensemble cast this year. Ably supported by Candice, these students are building leadership skills as well as extending their learning in musical theatre production.
We are all looking forward to the results of everyone's hard work and dedication come the beginning of Term 3! To read more about the production in this edition, click HERE.