Always and Everywhere Faithful

Issue 38 · 27 Nov 2023

In this issue

Leadership & Management Week 9 Term 4, SAVE THE DATE - Friday Dec 1st, School Improvements Term 4 , Reminder: School Closure Day Wed Dec 6th, OVERDUE SCHOOL FEES, Zooper Dooper Fridays
Education in Faith St Vinnies and St Fidelis Christmas appeal, Christmas carols, Thank you, Class Mass:, End of Year Mass:
Learning & Teaching LITERACY - Vira Pirrotta, NARRATIVE WRITING IN FOUNDATION , NUMERACY - Colleen Monaghan, SPORT & PE - Michael Jennings, St Fidelis' Annual Sports Carnival - Nov 30
Student Wellbeing 10 phrases you hear in resilient families: , Are you using them?, 1. “Come on, laugh it off”, 2. “Don’t let this spoil everything”, 3. “Let’s take a break”, 4. “Who have you spoken to about this?”, 5. “I know it looks bad now but you will get through this”, 6. “What can you learn from this so it doesn’t happen next time?”, 7. “Don’t worry – relax and see what happens!”, 8. “This isn’t the end of the world”, 9. “You could be right. But have you thought about… ”, 10. “What can we do about this?”, Bring resilience into your everyday language
Learning Diversity DIVERSE LEARNING NEEDS, Specialised therapy in schools, Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD), Specialist settings, Gifted and talented students, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, English as an Additional Language (EAL) / New arrivals/refugees program
What's happening in our learning spaces? FOUNDATION , YEAR 1/2, YEAR 3/4, YEAR 5/6
P & F News Upcoming Events , Uniform Stall , Colour Fun Run, St. Fidelis' Annual Christmas Carols, Christmas Raffle, FINAL P&F MEETING: AGM, THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!
School Information & forms School Contact Information, Uniform Policy and Price List, Email Protocols , Complaints and Grievance Policy
TheirCare OSHC
School Community News

Published by St Fidelis' Catholic Parish School