From the Principal

21 March, 2024

Colour Fun Run Success

Monday's Colour Run was a tremendous success! Students, parents, teachers, and community members gathered for a vibrant afternoon of fitness and fundraising.


Participants enjoyed navigating through colorful stations, creating lasting memories of laughter. Beyond the fun, we raised funds to improve our library's wellbeing space.


A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved, especially Mrs Jordan and her dedicated team of volunteers, our generous sponsors, and enthusiastic participants.


A big shoutout to our fantastic staff for wholeheartedly embracing the festivities, participating in the Colour Fun Run, and even daring to be slimed! We appreciate the dedication of our team at POPS.


Thank you for your generosity, enthusiasm, and commitment to making our Colour Run an unforgettable event.


Please visit the Parents' Association pagefor more information about the Colour Fun Run and how to buy tickets for the Easter Raffle.



School Council

The first School Council meeting for 2024 took place last Tuesday. Our School Captains Jeyda A and Josh S prepared a speech for the council members about their role as school captains and what they hope to achieve in their position this year. Jeyda presented confidently and spoke about initiating a community connections project for our school. I want to commend both Jeyda and Josh for their diligent preparation and presentation to the school council.


Our Council includes three staff members, myself, and nine parents. We welcome new members Mrs Fisher, Mr Grecea, and Miss Munforte, along with returning members Mr Marriott, Mrs Edgcumbe, Mrs Hartley, Mrs Defanis, Mrs Kupinic, Mr Yep, Mr Tanner, and Mrs Bullen.


Congratulations to the newly elected executive team: Mr Yep as President, Mrs Kupinic as Vice President, Mr Tanner as Treasurer and Mrs Bullen as Minute Secretary. All councilors will participate in either the Facilities/Master Plan or Education Subcommittees. These subcommittees are open to interested staff and parents not elected to the Council. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7.


Please visit the School Council page to discover who our School Council members.

Walk to School

Tomorrow marks our first Walk to School morning of the year. Students and their families can gather at Dalry Avenue, Domeney Reserve, or Drayton Avenue, or join us along the route. We'll commence walking at 8:30 a.m. and aim to arrive at school before 9 a.m. Mrs Edgcumbe has kindly arranged for fresh fruit to be available for walkers upon arrival. The theme for the morning will be colorful socks.


POPS Harmony Day

'Everyone Belongs'

On Monday, March 20, our school will celebrate Harmony Day. Students are encouraged to wear clothing representing their cultural background or the color orange, symbolising harmony. 


On this day we will have our first Poppy Tribes sessions for the year. The Poppy Tribe session led by our Year 6 students will focus on respecting and appreciating the diverse stories, traditions, and cultures of all Australians. These sessions are integral to our school's wellbeing program as they promote inclusion and friendship.



Staffing News

Mrs King (5K) will be leaving POPS at the end of this term due to personal reasons. We wish her all the best for the future. 


Miss Young will be teaching 5K for the rest of the year. She will begin teaching 5K onthe first day of term 2.


Have a great weekend,


Ms Garrity (Principal)



Key Dates:

Mon March 25- POPS Harmony Day/No Assembly

Thursday March 28- Last day Term 1- Assembly (2pm)/ Student Dismissal (2:30pm)