Parents' Association

President- Mrs Jordan, Vice President - Mrs Di Gennaro, Treasurer - Mrs van Prooyen, Secretary - Mrs Ross, Fundraising Co-ordinator - Ms Berardini, Community Engagement - Mrs Edgcumbe,  Class Rep Coordinator - Mrs Campbell/Mrs Heard

PA News

Colour Run

What an amazing afternoon! I think all the kids, and teachers, had a fun and very colourful afternoon. We can declare the event a huge success with the kids having a ball and also raising $22,140, that will all go direct to POPS to our new library and wellbeing space. 

Thanks for the support of the staff at POPS, the Parents Association helpers and all the wonderful helpers on the day. 

Please remember to ORDER your PRIZES now. This can be done on the student profile you initially set up at The cut off for ordering prizes (or donating to charity) is this Sunday MARCH 24th, then prizes will arrive early term 2. Donations can still be made until Sunday before you make your final prize selection. 



Thanks again to Dallas Taylor for being our MC at the event and to Jellis Craig for sponsoring fun run.

Easter Raffle

 Tickets are now on sale via My School Connect (under the My School Raffle tab). Lots of great prizes to be won! 

A Cadbury Chocolate Eggs Hamper 

A Kmart Art and Craft Hamper - 2 to be won! 

A Cupcake making kit - 4 to be won!

 4 tickets to the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie Easter Egg Hunt 

$25 voucher to Bark + Silk Cafe Prize

 #10 and  #11- details to come! 


 Tickets available now until 11.30am the day of the raffle- drawn at the final assembly on Thursday March 28th. 1 ticket $1.00, 5 tickets $4.00, 12 tickets, $10.00 or 25 tickets $20.00 🐰🍫🐰🍫🐰🍫🐰🍫🐰🍫🐰

Sick Bay / Linen Roster

If you can help out with washing the sick bay linen in term 2, please add your name to the roster on My School Connect (


Monica Jordan

Parents' Association Co-ordinator