Student Wellbeing

From the Assistant Principal- Mrs Bullen

The Resilience Project - Emotional Literacy

This week from The Resilience Project we would like to focus on Emotional Literacy.


Did you know …

  • There are 27 main human emotions.
  • We experience at least 1 emotion 90% of the time.
  • And frequently experience positive & negative emotions at the same time.

Working on our emotional literacy gives us opportunities to develop our ability to understand and express different emotions. When we improve our emotional literacy, we can work towards recognising our own feelings and our ability to manage them. This allows us to cope with different life situations, such as managing conflict, making friends, coping in difficult situations, and being resilient when dealing with change.


Some children are instinctively in tune with their feelings and emotions, and will be ready to deal with new/ different situations/people more easily. Others may need a bit more help. All children need to have their emotional literacy nurtured, supported and encouraged, so by ‘talking and teaching’ your child to express themselves appropriately you are empowering them to navigate the emotionally choppy waters of growing up successfully.

What are the keys to Emotional Literacy?


  • Recognise our thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes
  • Understand our internal emotional state(s) 


  • Show control over feelings and emotions
  • Control impulses and reacting in acceptable ways
  • Utilise strategies to help keep calm and regulated 

Social Awareness:

  • Awareness of our connection with others
  • Understand social expectations
  • Monitor interactions with others
  • Make independent decisions

Whole Family Activity: 

Movie: Watch Inside Out (Disney) 

-1 hr 35 min


This is a fantastic film to watch as a family to learn about different emotions and the need we have for each of them.

Family Habit Builder:

Around the dinner table, ask everyone to share a feeling they felt during that day. Discuss how they dealt with that feeling and then discuss and share strategies you could use when faced with particular feelings.


For more information visit the TRP website:

The Resilience Project