Principal Team Message

Sam Tyndall & Emily Harvey

Hello BRPS Community,


Haven't we been lucky with the weather during May. I trust you're staying well with the Winter months about to descend upon us. The school continues to be a hive of activity with arts, sports, camps, sustainability and wellbeing events, in addition to core teaching and learning programs. 

Curriculum Day - Student Free

Please be reminded that TOMORROW, Friday 31st May is a student-free curriculum day, allocated to assessment and report writing activities for teachers. 

Reconciliation Week Assembly

Thank you to Year 6 students Josh, Issy, Abby, Kiki, Sam, Lily, Tamiesha, Max T and Kaiah, under the guidance and organisation of Brittany Pholi, for confidently leading the BRPS students and community through their participation in our commemorative National Reconciliation Week assembly. 

In 2024, the theme is 'Now  More Than Ever' and Kaiah provided the following words:

"Now more than ever we should recognise the First Nations people and their culture. 

Now more than ever, I would like to acknowledge how much they've contributed to the past, present and future Australia. 

Now more than ever we apologise for the mistreatment of the past. 

Now more than ever we remember that everyone deserves rights no matter your skin colour or background."

Students from across the school created a physical Acknolwedgement with physical artefacts they brought in.

Ellen Jose Student Reconciliation Awards 2024

The Ellen José Student Reconciliation Awards honour the life of Torres Strait Elder Ellen José. Ellen’s contribution to the arts and Bayside was outstanding and inspirational in raising awareness of reconciliation. Black Rock Primary School has had multiple finalists and award winners over recent years. I would like to congratulate all entrants from our school as the standard was outstanding. 

A report about the awards ceremony and the achievements of our finalists can be found on the Visual Arts page.

Student Achievement Reports and Parent/Teacher Conferences

Firstly, I would like to thank our school community for their collaborative efforts in striving to offer the full range of learning programs and additional experiences to ensure our students have received the best possible outcomes this semester. 


I congratulate our dedicated staff for their ongoing commitment to their work as educators, where they have excelled in responding to and planning for learning for all students. Their adaptability and commitment to pursuing the best outcomes for our students has been outstanding.  


Student reporting in Semester 1, 2024 reflects student achievement and progress against the full Victorian Curriculum, with a priority focus on Literacy, Numeracy and the Personal and Social Capabilities. Additional support for growth in student learning has been provided through programs such as the Tutor Learning Initiative (Reading) and the Victorian High Abilities Program (English and Mathematics – selected students).


Diverse learning experiences have included Science and STEM, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education, Cybersafety, History and Civics and Citizenship. Students have also participated in leadership activities, sports, incursions, excursions and camp programs.


Student Achievement Reports

Published in Compass for all students on Tuesday 18th June. 


Parent-Teacher Conferences - save the date

Scheduled for Thursday 20th June (second to final week of Term Two) from 2pm-7pm. 

Further information will be provided via Compass, with bookings scheduled to open on Tuesday 11th June. 

Our School Values

In the previous newsletter we introduced our new school values: Kindness, Aspiration, Respect, and Integrity.  Our values have continued to be highlighted at school assemblies and through class activities. 


Throughout this year staff and students will continue working together to develop a shared understanding  of what the values look like in our school and how they can be integrated into all aspects of school life. 


Please visit the Wellbeing page of this newsltter to continue reading about our school values. 

ES Celebration Day

On Thursday  16th May we recognised and celebrated our wonderful Education Support staff members and the vital role they play in our school to support the learning and wellbeing of all students. 

Our Education Support staff include those that support students with their learning - Sarah, Linda, Belinda, Lu, Sal, Steph, Myra, Niv and Sam. Our administration and office staff - Tanya, Jo, Judy and Sharon, Michelle our Psychologist and Dino our maintenance officer. Our school wouldn’t be the wonderful place that it is without our Education Support staff and all that they do. 

Thank you to Nicole Large and Emily Harvey for organising the celebrations, the parent reps and BRPS families for supplying a most amazing morning tea and the teachers and students for covering yard duties and creating beautiful cards of appreciation for the ES staff. 

House Cross Country

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in our House Cross Country on Wednesday 8th May. The weather was beautiful and the House Spirit was high. It was amazing to see students from Foundation through to Year 6 joining together in their Houses to cheer on fellow teammates. All students who completed the whole or part of the course should be incredibly proud of their efforts. 

Thank you to Rowan Doyle for organising such a successful and well-run (pardon the pun) event. Thanks also to BRPS staff and parents who supervised and cheered our athletes on. 

District & Division Cross Country

Congratulations to all students who went on to compete at the higher levels, a full report (including invidivdual results) is included on the Physical Education page. 

Year 5 Camp - "The Island" Phillip Island

Our Year 5 students are excited to be travelling to Phillip Island for their adventure camp from Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th June.  Thank you to the Year 5 team for organising what should be a fabulous adventure and bonding session for our Year 5 group.  

2024 School Council - AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Black Rock Primary School will be held on Thursday 20 June at 6.30pm in the staff room. The 2023 Annual Report to the school community will presented at this meeting, along with an overview of the future direction of the school.

Parents are invited to attend and join in the discussion. 

Update - Capital Improvement Projects 

Stadium Bathrooms and Sports Store

We have accepted handover of the building and once cleaning arrangements are in place the facilities will be opened for student use.

The build came in under budget, with School Council voting to use the remaining funds to commence the upgade to the internal panelling of the stadium. The north internal wall adjoining the new build will be re-clad soon. 


Sports Court Resurfacing

Contracts for the sports court resurfacing project have been finalised with a works commencement date allocated for the September term break. 

CEET Meeting

Our next CEET meeting will be held in the staffroom at 7 pm on Thursday 6th June. BRPS Community members are welcome.

2025 Foundation Enrolments

2025 Foundation enrolments are now open. We have held four successful tours and two classroom open mornings so far this term. The next scheduled tour will take place on Tuesday 23rd July. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for information about these events and the enrolment process. 



Sibling enrolments are now open, please contact the office for enrolment forms.


We hope you have a wonderful month ahead!


Sam Tyndall



Emily Harvey


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