Principal's News

Dear Familes and Friends,
It has been a great week at Trinity and despite the challenging weather our children all seem to be working hard in class and enjoying their time outdoors with their friends. Trinity, as with all MACS schools, has an extreme weather policy to ensure the safety of all our children. On days where the sun or rain make it unsuitable to be outdoors children will be kept inside during their normal breaks. We will always endevour to give children time outside but will first consider general safety when making these sorts of decisions.
Unfortunately, tonight's planned Multicultural Welcome Night had to be postponed due to these considerations, however, next week the weather is looking fine at this stage and so I am hopeful that this will mean we will all have a much more pleasurable evening together next Thursday 20th Feb.
Traffic Safety
Thank you to all those drivers and pedestrians who take care each day especially at morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. The safety and wellbeing of our children and families is extremely important. So, could I please remind you all that we take care when parking, crossing the road and navigating the streets surrounding the school. Could I also please ask that children who are not using the school crossing, only cross the road with an adult. Please, do not get out of cars on the opposite side of the road and cross by yourself.
SRC Leaders
Congratulations to all of our Class Student Leaders on being selected by their classmates to represent their classes on our SRC (Student Representative Council). This is a great privilege and responsibilty, and we know that each of them will do a great job this semester. These student will be working closely with Ms Antonella. For a full list of our student leaders please see Ms Atonella's SRC and Student News Page HERE
Parent Teacher Chats.
Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend our 'Parent & Teacher Chats' last week. We really appreciate your time and the information our classroom teachers gained is invaluable in supporting your children, our students.
Nigel Rodrigues
MACSEYE OHSC (Out of Hours School Care)
Families who need Outside School Hours Care will need to enrol with MACSEYE.
Please refer to the attached flyer which has the enrolment link.
If you have any questions, please let me know or you can also email MACSEYE directly at
ABC Music Lessons
ABC Music will once again provide private, individual and small group music lessons for any student from Prep to Year 6 who wishes to participate. Please see the ABC Page HERE in this week's newsletter for all the information you need.
Trinity Playgroup 2025
We are looking forward to another great year providing a free Playgroup Service each Wednesday from 9.00am till 10:15am for all pre-school children in our local area. This year the program will be run by Ms Belinda, a qualified primary school teacher and mother of her own pre-school child. Please, see the flyer below for details or contact us at the office, in person, over the phone or by email.
Secondary School Open Days & Tours