SRC and Student News

Mrs Antonella      Wellbeing Leader

                                                                      The Ignatian Award


Each week at our Monday morning gathering, a student is awarded The Ignatian award

 by Mr Rodrigues for demonstrating one or all of our school values:   

                           Community  Excellence and Respect


Congratulations to Cesafino in Year 5/6 for demonstrating the value of community and respect.

Thank you Cesafino for showing genuine acts of kindness to your peers, especially when no one is looking.  Well done Cesafino!  



Congratulations to all the 2025 Class Leaders for semester One!!

Students were presented with their SRC badges at Monday morning assembly and

joined our first SRC meeting with a lot of enthusiam! I look forward to your contributions at our weekly meetings and hearing your ideas to make Trinity even better for all our students and families.

Class Leaders for Semester One

Prep AD - Lily

Prep SC - Evie  

1/2DG - Isabel

1/2EA - AJ 

1/2KT -Daniel

3/4TR - Akur and Thomas - with equal votes   

3/4VA - Lucas

3/4ZC - Isabel

5/6FA -  Sophie

5/6BOC - Humphrey

5/6JJ -  Toby


Class Awards      Week 2     Term 1                         

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning, collaboration and initiative as well as  resilience, and kindness in their classroom this week. 

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep SC 





All of Prep SC and

all of Prep AD

For bravely stepping into Trinity and having a go at making new friends and learning new routines. We’re so proud of you! Can we please give the Preps a special round of applause?

Prep AD







LucasFor a fun and focused start to 2025.  Thanks Lucas!

1/2  DG



Eoghan For making an excellent start to the school year! 






For using his listening skills and being kind to his new classmates.







For following instructions and participating so well on day one


3/4  ZC




For great listening skills and fantastic effort effort put into her work already


3/ 4 VA




For his polite and friendly nature.  What a wonderful start to the school year!


5/6   FA


Troy For supporting a student in his class to settle on the first day of school.

5/ 6  BOC


Oscar Thank you Oscar for taking the role of Year 6 Buddy so seriously. You are so kind and caring towards your buddy.




Tilda For her kind manner and her give it a go attitude. What a fantastic start to your learning journey at Trinity.

Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term 1  Week 3

Present: Evie Lily Isabel  AJ  Daniel  Lucas

Akor Thomas Isabel Sophie Toby Humphrey

Clem Anthony Tie

Date: Monday 10 February 2025

Chairperson: Mrs Antonella

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


Welcome to SRC! Introductions to the  group and outline of expectations.

As this is our first meeting we will go through the template for the class meeting and our meeting charter .

Senior students have been allocated a Prep/Year 1/2 class to support and run the  class meeting.

Please organise a time that is mutually convenient to both classes for class meetings

Email your completed class meeting to Mrs Antonella

Every class needs to have a class meeting weekly so that class leaders can report back to the SRC every Monday

Minutes from the school SRC meeting will be included in the newsletter weekly



Each class leader completed the learning and working together question (without  the scale score for this week)


On a scale of 1-10, how has our class  been  learning this week? 

Prep AP: we are learning about letters

Prep SC: I love everything about school 

1/2 EA: everything has been fun

1/2 DG: we are learning about keeping a tally in math 

1/2 KT: we are learning vowels and making words

3/4 TR: performing arts/ sport lessons are my favourite

3/4 ZC: we do maths on our chrome books, Lexile quiz for reading

3/4 VA:everything in my class has been great

5/6 BOC: I like sports and maths

5/6 FA: we are reading our class chapter book - “The ghost in my suitcase”

5/6JJ: literacy - we are talking about us and our family history


On a scale of 1-10, how has our class been  working together this week?

Prep AP: we are listening to Ms Anna

Prep SC: we are need to be quiet when we are learning 

1/2 EA: we are doing our work and listening (sometimes)

1/2 DG:  we need to remember to not be distracted by others

1/2 KT: we are not calling out in class

3/4 TR:  remember our line order and line up quietly

3/4 ZC: remember to line up, everyone needs to put their hand up in class when they want to speak

3/4 VA: finishing our work with good handwriting and colouring

5/6 BOC: lining up in line order on time after the bell

5/6 FA: working well and we are co operating, putting hands up

5/6JJ: some reminders to follow instructions 


Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • SRC badges presented and photos taken for the Leaders board
  • CLUBS start this week - tell your class!
  • Mini Vinnies write applications (for Year 4 students)
  • Family Welcome Night on Thursday 5.30-7.30
  • Specialist classes- remember your Sports uniform and runners
  • FITCLUB starts on Thursday before school- 7.45
  • Friday Assembly 2.45 in the MPR

What can we improve

 on this week:

   Class                      Actions

Lining up in line order when the bell rings



Listen for the music

Stop playing and get a drink, use the bathroom and go to your line

When we move around the school, we ALWAYS walk safely - especially up and down the stairs all

 Safety is important for everyone and we all need to keep safe - the big stairs are tricky for little Preps so they need to be extra careful and go slow


Rubbish in the yard


 all We all want a clean quiet area and playground. Put your rubbish in the big bins outside- the bins with the RED lid

Suggestions from the SRC -

Icy poles everyday!

We need new Sand pit toys

Sport activities - borrow sports equipment from the sports shed and start up a game with your friends! 


Safety issues from the SRC

The old bike racks near the bin area are not for playing - use the adventure playground because they are too low to use as gymnastics bar

Wet floor in the toilets - tell someone in the office or the teacher on yard duty  


If at any time you would like to chat about Student Wellbeing at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself.


Antonella Tsakmakis 

Wellbeing Leader