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Awards and Celebrations 2024
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Awards and Celebrations 2024
Term 3, Weeks 5-8
05 Sep 2024
In this issue
Need to Know
FYI Victorian Attendance Legislation , In Victoria, it is compulsory for children and young people aged 6–17 years to attend school., The compulsory school age, How attendance is recorded by schools, Requirements that apply to children attending non-government schools, ‘Poor attendance’ for the purpose of the legislation, Unexplained or unapproved absences, Action that will be taken if your child reaches five days of unapproved or unexplained absence, When a referral is made to the school attendance officer, What you can do if you have been issued a school attendance notice, What you can do if you have received a school attendance notice but your child was not with you on the date listed, What you can do if you have been issued with an official warning, Circumstances under which you can be issued with an infringement notice, Appealing an infringement notice if you think it has been issued unfairly, How much is the fine, Types of absence
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Need to Know
FYI Victorian Attendance Legislation , In Victoria, it is compulsory for children and young people aged 6–17 years to attend school., The compulsory school age, How attendance is recorded by schools, Requirements that apply to children attending non-government schools, ‘Poor attendance’ for the purpose of the legislation, Unexplained or unapproved absences, Action that will be taken if your child reaches five days of unapproved or unexplained absence, When a referral is made to the school attendance officer, What you can do if you have been issued a school attendance notice, What you can do if you have received a school attendance notice but your child was not with you on the date listed, What you can do if you have been issued with an official warning, Circumstances under which you can be issued with an infringement notice, Appealing an infringement notice if you think it has been issued unfairly, How much is the fine, Types of absence
Cover Page