From the Principal

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thanks to everyone, especially Laura and the Parents and Friends, for their support of the Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun last week.  This was a huge success, raising a significant amount of money for the works of our Parents and Friends. Click her to find out more.  Thanks also to those of you who attended the Think U Know Cyber Safety evening on Monday 13th November.  You can read about this on Katie's Deputy Principal Page and explore the links to many useful resources to help you keep your children safe online.


Looking ahead, we have a number of events coming up before the end of the year. 


Scholastic Book Fair - Thursday 30 November

Pupil Free 2024 Planning Day - Monday 4 December 

PSG Meetings for NCCD Funded Students - Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 December

Step Up Day - Tuesday 5 December

Christmas Carols - Thursday 7th December

Year Six Mystery Tour - Monday 11 December

Upper Yarra Secondary College Transition - Tuesday 12th December 2023

Lilydale High School Transition - Tuesday 12th December

End of Year Whole School Mass - Wednesday 13 December

Year 6 Graduation - Thursday 14 December

End Term Four Students - Friday 15 December (12:30pm)

End Term Four Staff - Monday 18 December (3:00pm)


Looking forward to joining you and your children in many of these events as the year draws to a close.


Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.

