News from the Deputy Principal

PSG meetings are next week
Thankyou to the families who have booked PSG meetings for their children who have a Personalised Learning Plan and are funded under NCCD. Emails have been sent out to families with log in details and how to book online for your meeting. If you have not yet made an appointment your child's classroom teacher may send you a reminder email about making a time.
As part of the communication between school and families and our obligations to the funding criteria, it is important that we have conversations with families about the goals and feedback about the progress your child has had with these goals. As it is almost the end of the year, it will also be important to discuss goals for 2024 and any support that may be required for transition into the next year level.
Please contact me via email if you have any queries or concerns about bookings.
Think U Know
Last Monday 13th November we had David come and talk with us about the latest facts in regards to Cyber Safety and keeping our kids safe online. The information was very informative and somewhat eye-opening for those who attended.
For any staff, parents or carers who were unable to attend the presentation the ThinkUKnow website ( is a fantastic resource and full of helpful advice and information including an SOS guide to online safety (for parents/carers).
The SOS Guide and the Parents Portal ( on the ThinkUKnow website address a lot of the concerns parents may have, including covering topics such as:-
- Privacy & parental controls;
- Online grooming & image based abuse;
- The Family Safety Contract;
- Additional videos;
- Where to seek help; and
- Additional links (resources/research/reporting/support)
It would be great if you did not attend the presentation, to view the resources and information on the Think U Know website.
If you would like to discuss any information with David, please email me for his contact details.
Upcoming Transition sessions including whole school step-up
We have two more transition sessions for our new Foundations for 2024 and a Whole School Step Up morning for 2024 in the first week of December. Please see the Transition Page for further information.