E-Safety and Digital Health
Katie McClue - Assistant Principal
E-Safety and Digital Health
Katie McClue - Assistant Principal
Last newsletter we covered general social media safety and etiquette - tips and tricks on how to stay safe in a general sense.
This week we'll point you in the direction of some reliable sources in relation to uncovering some common risks associated with the most popular social media platforms.
As highlighted in Week 5, most of us could identify the majority of the Social Media platforms identified in the picture on the left, but what about the set on the right? The set on the right includes some very common apps being used by young people, including those in their final year/s of primary school. Being up to date with the latest social media platforms and apps is crucial in helping your child stay safe online.
Stay informed about latest developments in social media platforms
For most of us, the speed at which new content and platforms are developed far exceeds our own uptake of such content - meaning that we are often on the back foot in comparison to our children.
In order to be informed and hold supportive conversations with our children and students, we need to have an understanding of the material they, or their friends, might be engaging with. We also need to be able to pick up on clues as to what platforms they might be using - ie: by being informed about associated vocabulary and slang terms.
Be informed about the benefits, but also potential risks associated with various platforms and apps - this includes the basic ones!
You'd be surprised by the potential risks associated with even the most prehistoric and simple platforms.
Apps or platforms that enable one or more of the following features, tend to result in a more risky environment.
The biggest concern is not that adults don't appreciate that these features can be dangerous, it is that they don't realise that many apps enable these features as part of their structure. A child might say something along the lines of, "oh it's just to play games on" ... but unless we actually check and consult an informed guide, we are often unaware of the duality of many platforms that our children use.
For example, the following platforms all utilise one of more of these features: Instagram, Facebook Messenger, SnapChat, Tumblr, TikTok, Roblox, Discord, Wink, Twitch.
[Please note: Information in quotation marks, has come directly from Common Sense Media]
How do I choose age-appropriate content?
Good-quality media can support your child’s learning, as well as their social connections, especially if it ties in with their interests or sparks their imagination. The following sites can help you make informed decisions about your family’s entertainment choices.
In addition:
The Cybersafety Project's blog has numerous articles, detailing new apps to watch out for, providing 'ultimate guides' for parents and how to set up parental controls on common apps.
Bark Technologies is originally a US based firm that offers several products to help families stay safe online, these include a content monitoring app for parents and their very own mobile phone handset. The firm has now expanded its service to Australia. Whilst their website obviously draws attention to their phone product, it's also a valuable source of safety information for parents:
For parents who are interested in the idea of a Smart Phone that has inbuilt features and greater capacity for monitoring their child's online activity, then there is now an Australian product on the market: https://cybersafetyproject.com.au/opel-kids-phone-the-safest-smartphone-for-kids/ the Opel SmartKids Phone
Term 2: Week 8 - Green Time v. Screen Time
Information on Balancing screen time and promoting digital well-being can be found on this previous newsletter.
Term 3: Week 1 & 3 - Cyberbullying
Term 3: Week 5 - Social Media Usage
E-Safety Commission: Website
Webinars/Videos Help Guides Information Packs | The Cyber Safety Project: Website
Webinars/Videos Help Guides Information Packs |
This organisation provides our in-house Cyber-Safety education for our students, and also hosted our parent information session in Term 1. They have specific resources for parents
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Beacon: App
This resource is an APP, designed by the Telethon Kids Institute and endorsed by the E-Safety Commission.
Articles, Videos, App and Gaming guides. You can tailor the content to suit your personal family needs. Highly recommended if you like to access your information via an App, rather than a website.
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Raising Children: Website
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Cyber Safety Project PODCAST - DigiKnow