Principal's Message

Anthony Jackson (Principal)

Jackson School is a collaborative learning community for all. We aim to develop independence through safety, respect and responsibility. We aspire to offer authentic, quality educational experiences that develop futures, create opportunities and inspire student potential; enabling our students to be valued and contributing members of the wider community. We share and celebrate our successes and achievements.   

The Issue Highlights

Dear Families,



Ramadan Mubarak to Muslim members of our community. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer (salah), reflection, and community.

Student Collection 


Parent Pick-up/Bus Changes

Please ensure you have let the office know if there are any daily bus, OSHC or parent pick-up changes by calling the school office directly on: 03 9366 4322 or sending an SMS to: 0447 819 086. Late Arrivals & Early Leavers


Late Arrivals/Early Leavers


We are working with families to continue to support student attendance at school. There is an increasing number of students regularly arriving late to school or being collected early from school. This significantly affects your child's education over the year. We understand families have a variety of commitments and some NDIS appointments cannot be avoided as we are unable to be accommodated during the school day. Between 9:00am and 9:20am and between 2:00pm and 2:50pm each day our students learn about our Independent Learning areas of the Victorian Curriculum including: our Allied Health programs (Jackson Social and Zones of Regulation), our PBIS behaviour program, RRRR our social and emotional learning program, eSMART online safety, Health and Fitness. This is vitally important to our child's learning and development. Please note, parents/carers will have to wait until the end of the day (2:50 pm) to collect their child if parents/carers present at the office after 2:30 pm and no prior notification has been provided. This is is to ensure end of day dismissal lists are accurate. 


Before School Supervision


Parents/Carers are responsible for the supervision of their children until 8:45am. Please do not leave your child unattended before school. We are unable to open the school grounds before 8:45am due to staffing and supervision requirements. As per DE policy, schools are required to supervise students on school grounds 10 minutes before the start of the school day (8:50-9:00am) and 10 mins after school (2:50-3:00pm). 


Thank you for your support in getting your child to attend school on time, for the whole day where possible.

International Women's Day #AccelerateAction

Saturday 8th March 2025 will be International Women’s Day (IWD), an annual day to celebrate the social, cultural and political achievements of women across the world. This year, the United Nations’ theme for the day is ‘Accelerate Action’. Focusing on the need to Accelerate Action emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality.


We are proud to promote a gender-equal school community for our staff, students and our families.

Parents, Carers and Friends Association (PCFA)

Thank you to all of the family members who have joined our new Parents, Carers and Friends Association (PCFA). The new PCFA met for the first time today to prepare for our upcoming Mother's Day stall.

Marie L (Chair)
Venkatesh MR (School Council Liaison)
Donna B
Heather W
Beatriz V
Lauren B
Michele B
Mara G
Lai N
Annise D
Thi Hien T
Cath S

If you would also like to join and support our PCFA please contact Bern O'Sullivan (Assistant Principal).


Thank you to Nerida Auld (ex-School Council President) for your years of support and service in leading our PCFA and coordinating our past Mother's and Father's Day stalls.

Reminders Next Week

This weekend is a long weekend for Labour Day. This Monday is the Labour Day public holiday. Labour Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. Labour Day movement advocated for eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation/play, and eight hours for rest. School is closed on Monday 10th March 2025. Students return on Tuesday 11th March.

Next Wednesday 12th March is photo catch up day for any students who were absent last week. 

Don't forget about our Family Games Night on Friday 14th March. Please note this is an RSVP events and is first come first served.


I hope you have a lovely long weekend as a family.

