Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
Last week we welcomed back the year 7/8s after a nice break. Students settled in nicely and are already looking forward to their first travel education and sports day next week. The students new Inquiry topic this term is “Living Things’ and they have been exploring how plants grow, adapt and react to changes in their environment. We look forward to seeing what the rest of the term brings along with the warmer weather and hopefully a little less rain.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Hello from the year 9/10s! Most of us have just returned from 3 days at our camp in Phillip Island. We were incredibly fortunate to have warm, sunny weather before the rain came in. We got to do cool activities like bike riding, abseiling, the giant swing, archery, play in the gym and spent an afternoon at the beach. One of the highlights was going to see the fairy penguins return from collecting food in the ocean and into the homes to feed their families. The rangers said that some nights they count 4000 penguins returning! Thanks to the camp instructors and all the Jackson staff that attended, it was awesome!
Senior Secondary (VCAL/ASDAN)
The ASDAN students have all returned to school with great enthusiasm and have already started working hard. During term 4 we will be learning how to identify cleaning products and use cleaning equipment safely. We will investigate why it is important to clean and
how to complete a variety of cleaning jobs independently.
This term, students will be participating in some exciting work experience programs. Students will be involved in either Westvale Community Gardens, Westlodge/Sunshine Hospital Garden Project or participating in store work at Dimmies.
VCAL Blackwood Overnight Camp
VCAL Blackwood Overnight Camp
On Monday, the 3rd and the 4th of October 13 VCAL Students and staff travelled to Blackwood. The students had organised the camp through their VCAL Camp Project. The project include destination, deciding on activities, planning the food, transport, roles and responsibilities, creating a budget, risk assessment, clothing and a list of equipment needed for the trip
On the way to Blackwood, we stopped to buy the supplies we needed. When we arrived at the camp, we set up our rooms and put the supplies in the kitchen.
On the first day our activity was High Ropes and Flying Fox. It was fun and scary at the same time. Everyone in the group had a go even the teachers.
That evening we had a BBQ dinner. While it was being cooked, we went to visit the CFA. We looked at the fire truck and the ambulance. We enjoyed our dinner, had a movie and went to bed.
On Tuesday we packed up our rooms, had breakfast then went to Archery which was so much fun.
To complete our activities, we went on a bush walk. It was a fun experience and a great time to be with friends.