Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
In the light of the moon a little egg lay on and leaf and POP! out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. The preps have been thoroughly enjoying the Eric Carle classic “ The very hungry caterpillar” through reading, writing, art and drama. We look forward to further exploring the book by learning about the life cycles of butterflies.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
The grade 3/4 students have had a wonderful start to the term. They are learning about living and non-living things in their Inquiry unit. Students have been identifying and drawing living and non-living things and planting seeds. In writing students have been visiting, describing, and labelling Guinea Pigs. Students have also been measuring and comparing the weight of objects. Check out their fantastic work!
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
This term our Inquiry unit is “Living Things”. 5/6’s already started planting vegetables in our own class gardens. 5/6 A planted broad beans, broccoli, lettuce, parsley, mint and spring onions into our class garden in term 3. We have been watching, watering, and weeding our garden beds. We are looking forward to planting some summer vegetables into our garden beds in a week or two.