Senior School

Celebrating Achievements and Adventures in the Senior School
I am thrilled to share the latest highlights from our school community over the past few weeks. Witnessing the wide array of activities our students engage in has been nothing short of an exhilarating experience for all who were involved. It brings Senior School staff a real sense of joy to see the students’ enthusiasm shining through as they conquer new challenges and step boldly out their comfort zones.
A Remarkable Theatrical Triumph: Aladdin JR
One of our recent triumphs was the breathtaking performance of Aladdin JR. The stage was graced with exceptional acting and singing, delighting hundreds of friends, family members, and staff throughout multiple nights. The dedication displayed by these young talents was truly inspiring. These remarkable individuals juggled extensive rehearsals alongside their regular academic responsibilities, sports commitments, part-time jobs, and family obligations. Behind the scenes, the relentless hard work and determination that culminated in this splendid event deserves recognition. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved for their outstanding rendition of this Disney classic. View more photos of the Aladdin JR production
Embracing Global Diversity: International Week
Our Senior School embraced diversity during International Week. Led by our German Captains and Language Captains under the guidance of Mrs Ong, the opening Assembly set the stage for a reflective week. Through a variety of engaging activities, we collectively pondered our roles on the global stage. I will not steal Mrs Ong’s thunder by delving into too much detail, but we are truly proud of our students and their willingness to share their cultural experiences with their peers and staff alike.
As is tradition, the week culminated in the International Food Fair, a true feast celebrating culinary delights from around the world. Students and staff relished the opportunity to savor delectable dishes spanning different cultures. A special thank you goes out to all those who contributed to making this week a resounding success. Read more and view photos of International Week
Thrills and Skills: Year 8 Adventure Camp
Our Year 8 students recently returned from an exhilarating adventure at Lake Nillahcootie and Mt Buller. Students were afforded the opportunity to develop a whole new set of skills that included learning to ski or snowboard and mastering downhill speeds. The experience of gliding above the icy landscape on the chairlift was equally cherished. We extend our gratitude to Mr Goode and his dedicated team for bringing this incredible experience to fruition. Their commitment to making this a part of the Oxley Camps Program is truly commendable. Read more and view photos of the Year 8 Camp
Journey of Growth: Year 9 Outdoor Education
Looking ahead, our Year 9 students are gearing up for a transformative five-day adventure at the Charnwood Outdoor Education Centre in Strathbogie State Forest. While fondly referred to as the 'survival camp', rest assured that our students will be well cared for, well-fed, and engaged in a range of activities that foster personal growth and maturity.
Parent Teacher Interviews
A quick reminder that we will be running Parent Teacher Interviews in Weeks 7 and 8 this term.
- The first interview sessions will be conducted in person, on campus in the Middle School Building on Thursday 7 September. The onsite interviews will commence at 4.00pm – 9.00pm with a break between 6.00pm - 7.00pm
- The second interview sessions will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 13 September. Students will be released early at 12.40pm with online interviews commencing at 1.30pm with a break from 3.30pm – 4.00pm.
Please take note that the process for booking interviews for the onsite and online interviews are different and the booking systems are not interchangeable. Booking instructions were sent out to parents on 21 August via the Oxley App. If you have any further queries, call the Administration Office on 9727 9900.
Reflections on Faith: A Timeless Connection
As we navigate through our daily list of tasks and challenges, it can often prove challenging to carve out moments for connection with God amidst the cacophony of noise. Frequently, our haste to accomplish matters swiftly takes precedence, yet Moses knew that embracing divine wisdom calls for patience in awaiting guidance from God.
When the divine call came for the Israelites to establish the tabernacle, Moses exemplified this patient wisdom by seeking direction from the heavens. Exodus 33:7 recounts how Moses erected a tent of meeting beyond the confines of the camp, a space designated for encounters with the Lord.
In today’s context, the need for a designated meeting place has been rendered obsolete by the direct access to God granted through Jesus' sacrificial offering. By dedicating time to this communion, we discover that God's presence is accessible regardless of temporal or spatial considerations. This privilege serves as a poignant reminder of the profound spiritual bond we currently share.
Moses’ unwavering obedience to God’s lead is an exemplar to emulate, demonstrating that those who willingly await God’s timing are rewarded with inspiration and divine guidance.
And whatever you do, in word or deed. Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17
James Avram
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School