Camelot Rise Primary School Newsletter
Our vision is to be a connected community, learning, growing and achieving together. Our Purpose is to maximise student learning through building a desire for personal excellence, a high sense of self-worth and a love of learning. Camelot Rise Primary School is committed to implementing a culture of child safety, inclusive of all school environments, in and outside of school hours and practices zero tolerance of child abuse.
Issue 9 · 15 Jun 2021
In this issue
From the Principal
Principal's Report, It's great to be back!, Student reports and Student/Parent/Teacher (Three-way conferences), Education Week- Building Connections!-Change of date!, End of Term-Timetable for the last day or Term Two, Friday 25th June, Happy holidays, How can we continue to improve Camelot Rise Primary School?
From the Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal's Report
Dates to remember
Whole School Production 2021
Announcing The 2021 Whole School Production, Reality Cheque
Curriculum News
ICAS, High Ability Program Maths and English, John Monash Science - Robagals, Around the school
Student Awards
Student of the Week Merit Awards
Student Leadership
GRIP Leadership
School events
French Specialist Day- Wednesday 14th July, Learning Expo - Postponed - New date, Thursday 15th July between 9.15am – 10.30am and 5.30pm – 7.00pm., New!, Sport dates Term 3, Canteen helper required
Community News
LemonAide Bros - Congratulations Reuben, playgroup@CamelotRise, Camelot Rise Community Association meeting, Primary School Wear (PSW), You can now Decline events on Compass, How to Reset Compass Password, Entertainment Book news, School Uniform and Drink Bottles Reminder, Join our Facebook and Instagram page and stay connected, Enrolments are open for 2022, Scholastics Book Club , Classroom Cuisine, Bread tags for Wheelchairs
Published by Camelot Rise Primary School