Student/Parent/Carer Handbook 2024


Important Information for the 2024 School Year · 05 Mar 2024

In this issue

A to Z Information for students & families Ambulance & Personal Insurance, Attendance, Bags, Bell Times, Bicycles, The Brunswick Star, Calendar, Canteen, Communication & the Compass Management System, Curriculum website, Diaries & Study Planner, Devices , First Aid, Medications and Health Care, Gymnasium, Lockers, Library, Lost Property, Mobile Phones and Devices, Personal Details, Policies, Prayer Rooms, Printing and Photocopying, Respect, Term Dates, Prayer Rooms, Printing and Photocopying, Respect, Term Dates, Uniform & Sports Uniform
Assessment, Reporting & Work Practices Victorian Curriculum, Continuous Reporting, Work Practice Reports , Parent Teacher Student Conferences , Learning Tasks
Privacy Collection Statement
Uniform Policy Purpose & Rationale, Expectations,  Purchase of Uniforms , Items & Options, Out of Uniform – Procedure and Consequences
Mobile Phone Policy The BSC Mobile Phone Policy came into effect from the beginning of the 2020 school year. , Note that this is a ministerial policy formally issued by the Minister for Education under section 5.2.1(2)(b) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006., Purpose of the Mobile Phone Policy, Scope, Definitions, Policy, References
Values & Expectations Values, Expectations
School map
Sub Schools & Staff Contacts The student community is managed in three distinct Sub Schools: , Junior School, Middle School and Senior School.  , Junior School, Middle School, Senior School
Home Groups, Wellbeing & Pastoral Care Pastoral care is the structures, practices and approaches that support the wellbeing and development of young people. (Calvert, 2009).
Homework Guidelines Homework Guidelines for Parents and Carers, Home Group Program, Role of Parents and Carers, Student Guidelines 
The Early Bird... Supporting punctuality
Co-Curricular Program What is CCP?, Why would I join?, What are my choices?, There's something for everyone!
All about Compass How do Parents/Carers access Compass?, Compass Home Screen, What can Parents/Carers access via Compass?, What is My News?, Menus, Assessment & Reporting, Victorian Curriculum
Respectful Behaviour Safe at Work Our school community has demonstrates incredible solidarity and resilience through trying times., Translated Respectful Behaviours posters 

Published by Brunswick Secondary College