Co-Curricular Program

What is CCP?

The BSC Co-Curricular Program is fabulous! There are a wide  range of clubs and activities for students that all take place outside of class time. Sessions run before-school, after-school as well as at lunchtime and recess breaks. Students drive the content of these clubs - choosing activities and projects for which they have a real interest.

Why would I join?

Perhaps a better question is:

"Why wouldn't you join?"

When you participate in a CCP you can

  • work on projects and enjoy activities that are of special interest to you - eg.  social justice, performing arts or environment & sustainability
  • try something you have never done before!  Learn new skills - perhaps in Maker Space or Dance
  • improve and challenge the skills that you already possess
  • meet others with the same interests as you - be in good company!
  • meet students from across all year levels
  • be supported in your learning eg Maths or English Help
  • make the very most of your time and have a lot of FUN!

What are my choices?

To find out more about the current co-curricular program,  refer to the Cocurricular Program.   

Activities vary from year to year, based on student interest and staffing considerations, but every year we offer a huge range of different activities through the program - from Musical Production to Basketball Skills - so have fun choosing what you want to do!


Visit the Cocurricular Program page on the Curriculum website for more information.




There's something for everyone!