Principal's Message

Anthony Jackson (Principal)

Jackson School is a collaborative learning community for all. We aim to develop independence through safety, respect and responsibility. We aspire to offer authentic, quality educational experiences that develop futures, create opportunities and inspire student potential; enabling our students to be valued and contributing members of the wider community. We share and celebrate our successes and achievements.   

The Issue Highlights

  • Mother's Day Stall raised $1219.40. Thank you Nerida (School Council President) for managing and organising this on behalf of the community. Thank you to our PCFA Helpers: Loretta Sultana, Maria Lagozzo, Loretta PIzzicarola and Simone  Bieniasz.
  • Exford Primary School Donations: 
  • School Buildings Update: Prep & Allied Health nearing completion. Visit to Moolap to visit Year 5-8 classrooms.
  • We recently appointed the following ongoing teacher positions. Congratulations: Cody, Taleisha, Belinda, Alison and Laura M.
  • School Council have agreed that this additional pupil free day will take place on the first day of Term 3 - Monday 10th July 2023.
  • Robyn and Anthony visit the Year 7/8 City Campers.
  • View and download the Annual Report to the Community 2022.
  • COVID-19 Update: There were 9,316 COVID-19 cases reported in Victoria this week, an increase of 24 per cent on the previous week. 
  • Students of the Week from our PBIS rewards system.
  • Showcase of students' learning from across the school in Primary and Secondary
  • Health and Wellbeing information to support you and your child.
  • Community news including from Jackson OSHC provider TheirCare.
  • School Dates -For the most up-to-date calendar dates, always refer to the Xuno Calendar in your Parent Portal.

Dear Families,


Mother's Day Stall



I hope that all of the mothers across our community were spoilt last weekend for the heroic job you do everyday for your children. Han, myself and the kids spent the day down at St Leonards playing on the beach and paddling in the very cold (but beautiful) water. 


The Parents, Carers and Friends Committee held a Mother’s Day Stall on Friday 12th May. The Mother's Day stall raised $1219.40.


Thank you Nerida (School Council President) for managing and organising this on behalf of the community. Thank you to our PCFA Helpers: Loretta Sultana, Maria Lagozzo, Loretta PIzzicarola and Simone  Bieniasz.


We are continuing to seek further members to help at our PCFA events. If you are interested, please let Bernadette (Leading Teacher) know.

Exford Primary School


On behalf of the community, our thoughts go out to the students, families and staff at Exford Primary School as they work through the bus accident this week. I have no doubt this touched a lot of our families this week as you send your child on the bus to school, swimming and excursions. All students at Jackson who access the Student with a Disability Transport Program (SDTP) buses through Skylight and Transit Systems (Sita) are required to wear a seatbelt at all times. I have offered their community staffing support at this difficult time if required. Should you wish to donate to Exford Primary School please click or scan the Square Donations QR code below. We will collect and forward all donations on your behalf. Please donate by Friday 26th May 2023.


School Building Update


On Tuesday 16th May we were able to visit the factory in Moolap and see the progress of the new middle school classrooms. It was amazing to see them in person and get a sense of what our new school will be like when these modular buildings are delivered onsite at the start of June.


The Prep and Allied Health building is nearing completion. Furniture arrives next week so staff and students can begin to move into these buildings in the a few weeks time. Contractors are working to connect the new power supply to these buildings. Works will continue this weekend to reduce disruption to our students.


Work is continuing in the admin building. The new roof for the library extension has been installed. This will join our admin building and specialist hub together. Framing is now completed in this building and plaster will start to be hung next week. 




As you may have seen in the media, many schools are facing staffing challenges. I am pleased that we were able to start the year with a full staff. We have a number of vacancies coming up in Term 3 due to staff leave and personal circumstances. We are recruiting for these positions to ensure that the disruptions to your child's education is minimised. I am confident that we will be able to fill these positions with experienced staff who know and understand the curriculum and the needs of our students. Daily staffing arrangements have been challenging this week due to illness and an increase of COVID-19 in our community. For COVID-19 advice please click here.


We recently appointed the following ongoing teacher positions. Congratulations: Cody, Taleisha, Belinda, Alison and Laura M.

Professional Practice Day (Pupil Free Day)


As part of the implementation of the new Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022, the department has agreed that Principals, through their School Councils, may schedule one of the 2 common professional practice days (PPDs) for 2023 as an additional pupil-free day. 


School Council have agreed that this additional pupil free day will take place on the first day of Term 3 - Monday 10th July 2023.

Year 7/8 City Camp



Robyn and I got to spend some time with our Year 7/8 campers this week at the Queen Vic Market. Campers spent two nights in the city and visited many sites, including: The Shrine of Remembrance, Aquarium, Eureka Skydeck and went on a boat cruise down the Yarra. We hope you all (including our families at home) had a lovely time!

Annual Report to the Community 2022


The 2022 Annual Report to the School Community which was presented at the 2023 Public Reporting Meeting (AGM) has now passed quality assurance from the Department. The Annual Report provides Principals and School Councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes.


The preparation and publication of an Annual Report is a legislative and regulatory requirement for all schools under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)Ministerial Order 1280 and the National Education Agreement 2008. It reflects the Department of Education's commitment to building pride and confidence in our government schools and highlights the importance of transparent communication about school performance with our school communities. Annual Reports are published on the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) State Register following being attested by the School Council President and Principal.


To view and download the full Annual Report, please click here:



I hope you have a lovely weekend!

