
Mrs Jeanean Pritchard, Head of Arts

SPC Arts Club

The recent launch of the St Patrick’s College Arts Club has seen the school add a vibrant new dimension to its cultural landscape. 


In its first two sessions, the Arts Club has already become a popular spot for students eager to explore their creative sides. The initial meetings focused on fun sculpture activities, encouraging students to express their imagination in unique and hands-on ways.


The introductory session was a delightful fusion of art and gastronomy. Students sculpted intricate designs from everyone’s favourite biscuits, transforming them into ephemeral masterpieces. The sculptures were as tasty as they were creative, and by the end of the session, only photographs remained to capture the students' edible art.


This past week, the Arts Club transitioned from food to a more traditional sculpting medium: clay. Under the expert guidance of Ms Sheridan, students delved into the fundamentals of clay sculpting. They learned the coil technique, a method used to build up the walls of their creations by stacking rolled strips of clay. 


The project of the day was crafting drinking mugs, a practical and artistic project that allowed students to merge form and function. Photographs from the session show students deeply engaged in the process.


The next steps for these budding artists are to glaze and fire their clay mugs. The firing process will harden the clay, making the mugs durable, while the glazing process will add colour and a protective finish and enabling the mugs to become waterproof. The true test of their craftsmanship will come when the mugs are put to practical use when we fill them with hot chocolate! 


With such an enthusiastic start, the St Patrick’s College Arts Club has many more exciting extracurricular activities planned. Stay tuned for more updates on the amazing work of our talented students. We encourage any student considering joining to come along to our next session - Thursday lunch time in PUR003.