Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

Academic Excellence Assembly

This week we gathered to acknowledge and celebrate the academic achievements and growth of our students via our Chris Nolan awards and awards for VCE Unit 3 subjects. This is always an important gathering, and I was pleased that we were joined by so many parents, Bishop Paul Bird, Mr Andy Kuppe (from EREA), the Mayor of Ballarat – Counsellor Des Hudson, members of the School Advisory Council and Chris Nolan and his mother Mary. 


Congratulations to all students who received awards at the Academic Assembly this week! I am encouraged by the efforts and focus of these students and the growth they are experiencing in their academic journeys here at SPC. 


A list of the boys who received awards at this week’s assembly can be seen here:


Speech Night

In the context of major celebrations, I am very excited to announce the return of Speech Night to the College calendar at the end of Term 4, 2024. Speech Night was, for a long time, the major celebration of student achievement and success in terms of their academics, sport, cultural and community involvement. It is a tremendous way for a school to complete and close the year and I am really looking forward to our first Speech Night for several years on the evening of Monday, 9 December in the College’s Performing Arts Centre! 


Speech Night will feature: 

  • the major end of year academic awards for students in Years 7-11 (we will not have access to VCE data at the time of Speech Night and so, VCE awards will continue to be presented at the Academic Assembly at the commencement of Term 1); 
  • the College’s major community, sporting and cultural awards 
  • a number of performances and presentations showcasing our students, including some of our outstanding musicians and the winner of the Purton Oratory Competition. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews 

This week Parent-Teacher interviews took place here at the College. These are really valuable and important conversations between parents, teachers and students. I trust that the feedback that was tabled and discussed at these was worthwhile as we continue to work together to support our students on their journeys through their years at the College. 


Although I don’t have any scheduled appointments with parents, I always thoroughly enjoy ‘bumping into’ parents and catching up at these evenings. I was encouraged by the feedback which was being shared and enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with parents and carers on the night. 

Insight SRC Surveys

This week, links to some surveys from Insight SRC were sent to parents via email. As a Catholic school in the Diocese of Ballarat, the College participates in these surveys about every four years. The feedback gathered from these provides us with rich data in relation to our mission and purpose as a Catholic school and our work as a school. Students and staff are also invited to participate in these surveys. 


Whilst no-one is compelled to complete the surveys, I do take this opportunity to encourage parents to complete the surveys in order that we will have access to feedback across the important elements covered in the surveys.

Student Leadership Process - Year 11 

Last week I spoke with all Year 11 students to outline the process towards the appointment of the student leadership positions for Term 4, 2024 and the 2025 school year. 


This process involves those students who wish to be considered for leadership roles (College Captain and Vice Captains, House Captains and Vice Captains, Boarding Captain and Vice Captains) composing and submitting a letter of application, receiving feedback on these from staff, participating in an interview and lastly a vote by senior students. 


It is a reasonably thorough process, one which requires courage, commitment and conviction for students to nominate for these important leadership roles. I look forward to engaging with the students who apply for leadership roles as a part of this process. 


During the last week of this term, I will inform the students of the outcomes of the process and announce the new student leaders to take up the mantel from the current Student Council at the beginning of Term 4.