St Michael's Primary School Ashburton

A safe community of animated learners enlightened by faith in God

Thursday 16th May 2024 · 16 May 2024

In this issue

From the Principal Prayer, Feast of Pentecost, St Michael's Women's Wellness Brunch, Sacrament of First Eucharist , Prep 2025 Enrolments, Open Morning SATURDAY, 11th May, $400 School Saving Bonus - , District Cross Country , Kinder Kids Session 1, Daily Prayer in the Classroom, Bracelets for the RSPCA, National Walk Safely to School Day ~ Friday 10th May, National Simultaneous Storytime 2024, St Michael's School Year Six, 1983 Reunion, Extra Curricular programs at St Michael's School
Previous news and information Inform & Empower Digital Safety sessions, Asthma Plans & Medication, Term 2 Winter Uniform Transition, St Michael's Art Show ~ Save the Date, Psychology Services, Library Open Mondays, Boroondara Youth News, SCHOOL FEES & LEVIES – 2024, Nationally Consistent Collection of Data, Hands on Music
Deputy Principal Vision For Instruction
Religious Education Pentecost Sunday, May is the month for Mary, Sacrament of Eucharist
Literacy News
Wellbeing News Student Wellbeing News, Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL), Zones of Regulation 
St Michael's PFA News PFA NEWS, Women's Brunch, Thank You!, 2024 Class What's App Group links
Term Dates School Enhancement Sessions (Working Bees) 2024, Important Closure dates for this year:
2024 Assemblies Congratulations!
Community News
Quick Links Parent Handbook 2024, Form for Medications, School Uniform Shop 2024, Lunch Order Forms 2024, Years Three to Six Device Program, Parents' Guide to Seesaw
St Michael's School hours & Timetables